Deadly corn-on-cob husk removed from dog's intestine

Image source, PDSA

Image caption, PDSA vet Emily Frazer with Sam

A dog is recovering after vets removed half of its intestine during surgery to take out a corn-on-the cob husk.

Sam, a Rhodesian Ridgeback crossbreed, is believed to have swallowed the husk while out walking with his owner.

She only became aware of the problem when the seven-year-old dog became continually sick.

After x-rays at the PDSA Pet Hospital in Glasgow showed the husk rotting away in Sam's gut, vets carried out emergency surgery to save his life.

PDSA senior vet, Susie Hermit, said: "We found that the corn-on-the-cob husk was causing a major blockage in Sam's small intestine, restricting the blood supply.

"Unfortunately, some of the damage was irreversible and we had to remove around half of his intestine, which had begun to die off and rot.

"Sam was very lucky to survive. He was at high-risk of developing potentially fatal blood poisoning, and the operation to remove such a large section of his intestines was incredibly risky."

'Weak and lethargic'

Sam's owner, Lorraine Graham, 43, from the city's Tollcross area, said she had been terrified of losing her pet.

"We first noticed something was wrong was when Sam started being sick and it gradually got worse until he was being sick every 20 minutes," she said.

"I couldn't believe it when PDSA x-rayed him and told us what was causing the blockage. We hadn't been eating corn on the cob so he must have picked it up while outside.

"He was so weak and lethargic that I knew he was facing the fight of his life. Thankfully he pulled through."

PDSA said corn-on-the-cob was one of the most common items removed from pets last year, with 28 cases treated.