Gaelic gay posters released by Stonewall Scotland

Image caption, An English version of the poster has already been distributed to schools

Posters designed to tackle homophobic bullying in schools have been reprinted in Gaelic.

Stonewall Scotland said it was now offering its "straight-talking" poster campaign to Gaelic-speaking areas across the country.

The lesbian, gay and bisexual rights charity said English versions had already been well-received in schools.

The poster reads "Tha cuid de dhaoine gay. Gabh ris!", which is translated as "Some people are gay. Get over it!"

A YouGov poll for Stonewall found that 90% of secondary school teachers said children and young people - regardless of their sexual orientation - experienced homophobic bullying in school.

An English language version of the slogan already features on posters, postcards and stickers that have been distributed to every secondary school in Scotland.

A Stonewall Scotland spokesperson said: "It has been so well-received by pupils and teachers that the message has gone beyond the school gates to appear on billboards and bus stops."