Thousands join organ donor list in Scotland

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Donor card
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More than 1.8 million people are on the register in Scotland

More than 2,000 people are signing up to the organ donor register each week in Scotland.

The number of people on the NHS register rose by almost 7% in 2010, with 113,517 people joining since December 2009.

There there are now 1,841,419 potential donors, representing more then a third of the population, according to the government-released figures.

But there are still 600 people waiting for a transplant in Scotland.

And three people die in the UK every day while waiting for a donor organ.

Teenager Rachael Boon launched the latest NHS organ donor advertising campaign, having just undergone a second liver transplant.

The 18-year-old's mother, Bev, urged people .

"When you see how much it can change someone's life - and actually save them - you realise how much good comes from it and it is hard to justify why you wouldn't join the register," she said.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon welcomed the latest figures, but added: "There's still more to be done and I would appeal to anyone who has not already signed up to consider doing so today."