Day was always improved if you bumped into Jo Cox

Image source, @MrBrendanCox/PA

  • Author, Laura Kuenssberg
  • Role, Political editor

It's an over-used word these days, but Jo was a star. She was brave, funny, and clever.

In Westminster she was one of those rare people that whatever was going on in politics that day, however much backbiting there was, however many insults were being thrown around, the day was always improved if you bumped into her for a chat, a cup of tea, or heard her speak fearlessly and with compassion in the Commons.

But a conversation with her was just as likely to turn to her young kids, or the family's houseboat on the Thames, as it was to talk about the latest political machinations.

Jo was an MP who cared deeply about her party, and how politics can make a difference not just here, but around the world.

But more importantly she was a mum, a wife and a daughter who broke into ready smiles when she talked about her family. That's what I'll remember.