Reality Check: Do men earn less for part-time work?

The Claim: Conservative MP Philip Davies, who has been voted on to the Women and Equalities Committee, has argued that there is a gender gap in part-time earnings, with men earning less than women.

Reality check verdict: Women who work between 10 and 30 hours a week receive a higher hourly rate than men. But in all other categories of part-time and full-time work, men earn more than women and if part-time and full-time work is taken together, men on average earn 18% more per hour than women.

MP Philip Davies has argued that tackling issues of discrimination against men is also important and therefore the Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee should drop the word "women" from its title.

In an interview on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two's Daily Politics programme about his new role on the committee, Mr Davies pointed out that women working part-time earned more per hour than men who work the same number of hours.

Is this true?

Women who work between 10 to 30 hours a week do indeed earn more on average than men working the same number of hours, according to provisional from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

In the category of workers who work 10 to 30 hours per week, on average men earned between around 25p (3%) and almost Β£1 (11.5%) an hour less than women.

The highest gap is between women and men working from 20 to 25 hours per week, where the average woman will make Β£9.66 an hour and the average man Β£8.67.

But this does not tell the whole story.

If you look at full-time and part-time workers together, you can see that there is a gender pay gap of around 18% across the whole workforce in favour of men. If you look at full-time work only, men earn 9.4% more than women. And men working fewer than 10 hours a week also earn more than their female counterparts.

Part-time work in general pays less well per hour than full-time roles and a far greater proportion of women than men work part-time (41% compared with 12% of men), often because they take on the majority of unpaid care for children and elderly relatives.

So, although it is true that men in part-time work of 10 to 30 hours per week earn less than women working the same number of hours, the reality is that women, on average, still get paid less than men per hour of work done.