Tuition fees: How Liberal Democrat MPs voted

MPs have approved plans to raise tuition fees in England to a maximum of Β£9,000 but with the coalition's majority reduced to 21. Here is a full list of how Lib Dem MPs voted:

FOR - 28 MPs

  • Danny Alexander
  • Norman Baker
  • Sir Alan Beith
  • Gordon Birtwistle
  • Tom Brake
  • Jeremy Browne
  • Malcolm Bruce
  • Paul Burstow
  • Vincent Cable
  • Alistair Carmichael
  • Nick Clegg
  • Edward Davey
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • Don Foster
  • Stephen Gilbert
  • Duncan Hames
  • Nick Harvey
  • David Heath
  • John Hemming
  • Norman Lamb
  • David Laws
  • Michael Moore
  • Andrew Stunell
  • Jo Swinson
  • Sarah Teather
  • David Ward
  • Steve Webb
  • Government whip Mark Hunter acted as a teller.


  • Annette Brooke
  • Sir Menzies Campbell
  • Michael Crockart
  • Tim Farron
  • Andrew George
  • Mike Hancock
  • Julian Huppert
  • Charles Kennedy
  • John Leech
  • Stephen Lloyd
  • Greg Mulholland
  • John Pugh
  • Alan Reid
  • Dan Rogerson
  • Bob Russell
  • Adrian Sanders
  • Ian Swales
  • Mark Williams
  • Roger Williams
  • Jenny Willott
  • Simon Wright


  • Lorely Burt
  • Simon Hughes
  • Tessa Munt
  • Sir Robert Smith
  • John Thurso
  • Stephen Williams
  • Chris Huhne(at climate summit in Mexico)
  • Martin Horwood(at climate summit in Mexico)

In addition, six Conservative MPs voted against the proposals, while two abstained. They were:

  • David Davis (against)
  • Julian Lewis (against)
  • Andrew Percy (against)
  • Jason McCartney(against)
  • Philip Davies(against)
  • Mark Reckless(against)
  • Lee Scott (abstained)
  • Tracey Couch(abstained)