Sunday Life and Sunday World Journalists warned of UDA threats

Loyalist paramilitaries have issued threats against journalists at the Sunday Life and Sunday World newspapers, according to the papers' owner.

A number of reporters were visited by police on Friday morning and warned about imminent attacks.

It is understood at least one journalist was told of a planned under-car booby trap attack.

The two Sunday titles are owned by Independent News & Media (INM).

It said police confirmed they had received information indicating a planned campaign of intimidation.

The warnings said journalists at the two Sunday titles were at risk of attack.

It comes just weeks after the first anniversary of the New IRA murder of journalist Lyra McKee in Londonderry.

Peter Vandermeersch, Publisher at INM, said: "We will, of course, work with the police to ensure our staff's safety.

"Threats against journalists should not be tolerated in any free society.

"It is depressing that thugs still believe they can silence the press through intimidation.

"The Sunday World and Sunday Life will continue to publish stories that shed light in dark corners."

Séamus Dooley, of the National Union of Journalists, said it was "a vile attempt to intimidate editors, journalists and publishers".

"It is the latest in a series of threats in Northern Ireland against journalists but is all the more sinister because it is a blanket threat against two newspapers, titles which have served the people of Northern Ireland fearlessly and often in the face of threats."