Social Development Minister to oppose benefit cuts

The social development minister said he intends to oppose 10% cuts in housing benefit for people who are on job seeker's allowance for more than a year.

The measure was announced by the government as part of its Β£18bn in welfare cuts.

Alex Attwood said the plans would leave more than 22,000 people in NI on reduced housing benefit.

He said his department was working with experts to try and find a resolution.

Mr Attwood told the Assembly on Tuesday that he was resolutely opposed to the 10% cut in housing benefit.

"I will want to identify how to offset the damage and, indeed, determine if there are ways to avoid implementation here," he said.

"There is an issue of fundamental fairness. I recognise there is also an issue of parity. I do not shirk from any of this. And I believe we should, at least, begin to address all of this."

The minister said the proposed cuts would amount to Β£500m in welfare cuts in Northern Ireland and identified a number of areas where this will directly reduce benefits.

Mr Attwood added that there may be opportunities to protect those in need without compromising parity with UK welfare.

Depressing effect

Mr Attwood said that while social security was a devolved matter the department was constrained by funding issues.

"There are principles around some of the universal credit proposals that may have some attraction, providing for simplification of the system, clearer conditionality and better financial support for those moving off benefits into work," he said.

"There are, however, many changes to the level of benefit support, that are already being introduced that will make a significant reduction to the support available through social welfare, that will impact on tens of thousands of our people and will have a depressing effect on our regional economy."

The minister said he was involved in discussions with the government's welfare ministers and had highlighted the difficulties facing Northern Ireland.

Mr Attwood added that he believed the planned changes should be implemented in a way that recognised the areas of high unemployment and the special circumstances of Northern Ireland.

"I will argue for the maximum flexibility to be allowed to us in implementing any changes."