Ash dieback disease fears at Suffolk nature reserve

Image caption, Symptoms of ash dieback have been spotted at a reserve near Sudbury

"Thousands and thousands" of ash trees could die at a nature reserve where symptoms of Chalara dieback have been seen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust has said.

The disease was reported to have infected 90% of ash trees in Denmark and earlier in the week was confirmed at Pound Farm, near Great Glemham.

The trust said symptoms had now been found at its Arger Fen and Spouse's Vale reserve, near Sudbury.

A spokesperson for Suffolk Wildlife Trust said they were "very concerned".

Samples have been taken from the trees and sent to the Forestry Commission for analysis.

Visible symptoms of the disease include leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees, and it can lead to the tree dying.

The signs were spotted on trees in an area of the reserve known as Hullback's Grove, which was an arable field until 2004 when the new woodland was established.

Chalara dieback of ash has been listed as a quarantine pathogen under a national emergency measure and the Forestry Commission , including help on of infection.