Lancashire pensioner tried to import child sex doll

A "depraved" pensioner who tried to import a child sex doll to the UK and had thousands of indecent child images has been given a community order.

The dummy was intercepted by customs officials at Stansted Airport on its way to Douglas Charnock's home.

Police found 6,000 indecent images of children when they arrested Charnock, 77, of Greenway Close, Skelmersdale.

Lancashire Constabulary said it was the first successful prosecution of its kind by the force.

At Preston Crown Court Charnock admitted importing an indecent or obscene article and three counts of making indecent images of children.

'Depraved and unhealthy'

He was given a 12-month community order.

As well as the community order, Charnock must sign the Sex Offenders' Register for five years, pay a Β£2,500 fine and wear a tag for three months.

PC Jess Spencer said: "Charnock clearly has a depraved and unhealthy interest in underage girls and I welcome his conviction.

"We will continue to actively target offenders who seek to exploit the internet for their own depraved purposes."