Maidenhead residents campaign over 'dangerous' footpath

Image caption, Residents claim the footpath is dangerous for mothers with pushchairs

Residents have started a campaign to widen a footpath they claim is so dangerous vulnerable pedestrians' lives are being risked when they use it.

The footpath in Waltham Road, Woodlands Park, Maidenhead, measures 50cm (19ins) wide and also holds a telegraph pole.

Campaigners say disabled pedestrians and mothers with pushchairs are being forced to walk in the road which is used by lorries and speeding cars.

The council said their petition would be considered when it was received.

A disability officer for the council has also inspected the road, raising safety concerns.

'Safe passage denied'

Heather Scott, of Working for Woodlands Park Village Association, said some residents had to manoeuvre off the path and on to the road.

Recently a postman was hit in the back by the wing mirror of a lorry, she said.

Mrs Scott added that although speed humps had been put in place, the road was being used as "a rat run" for traffic trying to access the M4.

"It is extremely dangerous for the more vulnerable. Mothers with pushchairs and those with a wheelchair and mobility scooters have to drop down on to the road facing oncoming traffic and rejoin the pavement further along," she said.

"The rush of pressure from the speed and the ever-increasing size of the vehicles can push you against the wall bordering this stretch of pavement.

"Residents... especially those in wheelchairs feel they are being denied a safe passage."

A petition will be handed to councillors on 22 February.

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead council said it would be considered once received.

"With respect to the pedestrian access, on each occasion the petitioner has been advised that although a short stretch of pavement on one side of Waltham Road is not suitable for wheelchairs, there is a reasonable alternative access on the other side of the road which is accessible following the introduction of dropped crossings," a spokesman added.