Colonel Gaddafi's whereabouts confuses papers

Events in Libya and pictures of a grim-faced Colonel Gaddafi - before his appearance on state television late on Monday - dominate many front pages.

appears to be stopping at nothing in its efforts to crush the uprising. It calls him "the bloody colonel".

and now, it suggests he is, "surely, after more than four decades of terror and oppression, on his way out".

, Tripoli, describing air attacks on the city: "Death is everywhere", he says.

The paper speaks of Colonel Gaddafi "lashing out as power slips away".

with its headline: "Desperate Gaddafi clings on".

, the Daily Mail reports he has fled Tripoli - a "tyrant on the run".

Under a headline: "Camel For Mr Gaddafi", it says he looks doomed despite ordering the "bloodbath".

- for Venezuela - although that was denied by the Venezuelans, as well as Colonel Gaddafi himself.

Away from Libya, the that more than three million foreigners came to Britain under the last Labour government.

and the Daily Star both highlight the case of Ahmer Rana who persuaded thousands of people to back his efforts to stay in Britain.

The 'schoolboy' claimed his parents had been killed in Pakistan and he had been smuggled out of the country four years ago, fearing for his own life.

But the teenager, from Carmarthen, Wales, has now admitted lying to everyone, including his foster parents.

He is actually 19 and his own parents are in fact alive and well. A judge has now ordered his deportation.

are being wrongly diagnosed as suffering from high blood pressure because of waiting room nerves.

The paper says new guidance will suggest up to one-in-four patients experience a surging pulse rate when they enter a GP's practice.

The Telegraph says in future people suspected of having the condition, known as "white coat hypertension", will be sent home with a monitor for 24 hours.

, Aaron Porter, is to stand down this summer after fierce criticism from many students that he did not fight hard enough to prevent university tuition fees in England almost trebling.

In the Independent, Mr Porter hits back - describing the tactics favoured by the union's more radical factions as "outdated, irrelevant and tired".

He also played down the prospect of the hard left taking control of the NUS, saying they did not have enough support.