Newspaper review: Aid worker's rescue scrutinised

New revelations about the death of kidnapped British aid worker Linda Norgrove in Afghanistan during a rescue attempt feature heavily in the papers.

"A tragic failure" is how the Daily Mail describes it. US and British officials are investigating whether she may have been killed by a US grenade.

"Killed on Helmet Cam" is the headline. It says a US soldier was caught on film lobbing the grenade.

Taliban blame

But the

The Times says David Cameron seemed "absorbed by tragedy", and asks if the outcome might have been different if British forces had had a greater role.

Writing in the Daily Mirror, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, says we will never know.

But he says that, however she died, the Taliban is to blame.

as those holding Miss Norgrove were likely to kill her.

Efficiency review

The Financial Times says the conclusion of Sir Philip Green's review of government spending - that an "upsetting" amount of public money is wasted - is hard to argue with.

But it says solutions that work in Sir Philip's Arcadia Group do not always work in the public sector - because accountability can impose inefficiencies.

The as they tend to be bad news for all but the largest suppliers.

Several papers, including

Its study of 24 animals at dog homes in the UK concluded that some canine companions are optimistic "bowl-half-full types", while others are better described as "bowl-half-empty".