Newspaper review: Papers divided over unions' vote

The TUC's vote for a national campaign of industrial action against public spending cuts .

David Cameron would be well advised to listen because all the sensible voices are against deep cuts, it suggests.

But the .

It is grossly irresponsible for union leaders on six-figure salaries to .

Winter of discontent

The what a perilous state the UK is in.

The paper fears mad-dog opposition to the cuts will revive memories of bleak days when union action reduced the country to a virtual basket case.

The .

But the when unions believe people will start to feel the impact of the cuts.

Benefits system

The in the UK have not done a day's work since they left school.

The Mail criticises the benefits system and says the sooner it is shaken up, the sooner the government will restore hope to those who most need it.

The the country has contrived a welfare system that allows and even encourages people not to work.

Reform is long overdue, it concludes.

Social engineering

The decision by Education Secretary Michael Gove to consider offering children from poorer families school places ahead of those from middle class families provokes much debate.

For the .

The , who are likely to see it as an attack on the middle classes.

While the from Conservative Party members.