Newspaper review: Banks in black but still under fire

Several papers anticipate the news, expected this week, that Britain's five biggest banks are back in the black.

The Guardian, describing banking as rues the fact that many of those who led the banks to "the corporate cliff edge" remain firmly in place.

The Daily Mail says bankers should now

But, it adds, they continue to treat the public "with disdain" by cutting back on lending and mortgages.

Hidden charges

On other money matters, the Daily Telegraph reports that

This is despite them having paid the same amount in, with an array of hidden charges being blamed.

And according to the Daily Express, the cost of buying a house is

The paper believes it's good news as it should lift thousands of recession-hit homeowners out of negative equity.

'Off-the-cuff words'

The Independent looks at the strained relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It says David Cameron was "right to speak out" about terrorism, but must use his meeting with the country's president

- with that the Mail covers a survey on what au pairs think about their employers.

Behind the smile, it says, the au pair may be pondering the slothful and sleazy couple she works for.

Vigilante warning

The extension of 'Sarah's Law' - which allows parents to check whether anyone who has contact with their children is a paedophile - is welcomed by the Sun.

dismissing warnings that the law will drive sex offenders underground.

The Daily Mirror says

"Wanting to take the law into your own hands is a natural instinct for all decent folk - but one that people must resist," it adds.