Newspaper review: Graduate tax and cuts dominate

Potential cost-cutting measures fill the papers again, with graduate tax and free bus passes making many headlines.

The is highly critical of the idea of the graduate tax, noting that it has been described as "the student loan you never pay off".

Meanwhile a letter writer takes issue with the idea graduates earn more than non-graduates, saying Mr Cable has clearly never needed a plumber.

Afghan 'reality'

In other news, the


The suggests the number of criminal offences could go up because unemployment is expected to rise as a result of the public sector cuts.

And the leads on a description of what it calls the "brutal reality of nation-building" in Afghanistan.

Back for good?

Many of the papers are excited about the news Robbie Williams is reuniting with his former band-mates Take That.

The biggest hits feature heavily in many headlines. "Could it be magic again?" asks the Guardian, while the wonders whether Robbie is "Back for Good".

While suggesting that the new album and tour could earn the band Β£75 million, the

Octopus envy


The paper says negotiations have begun for Paul the Psychic Octopus, who correctly predicted World Cup results including Spain's final victory.

It could move from Germany's Oberhausen Sea Life Centre to Madrid's Zoo Aquarium.

Spanish officials have said they are prepared to trump any other offer, certain that he will attract thousands of visitors.