Meet Jordan, the beauty blogger who is also paralysed from the chest down

Image source, Jordan Bone

  • Author, Annabel Rackham
  • Role, Newsbeat reporter

Jordan Bone is a top beauty vlogger with more than 200,000 YouTube subscribers. She's also paralysed from the chest down.

A car accident when she was 15 left her quadriplegic and reliant on a wheelchair to get around.

She suffered from depression after the accident, so started making videos that she hoped would will help others.

"I still deserve an amazing life and so does everyone else who has a similar injury," Jordan told Newsbeat.

"When I first had my accident I didn't really know where my life would take me.

"I became depressed a couple of years after my accident because I realised my life wouldn't be the way I intended it to be.

"I came across guided meditations on YouTube and they changed my perception of the world and how I thought about myself."

The 27-year-old from Norfolk initially started posting positivity videos on YouTube, but people commented on her videos asking about her make-up looks and that inspired her to try beauty vlogging.

"I re-taught myself make-up during the time in hospital, not very well, but I kept trying and persevering and eventually I got good enough to start showing the world through YouTube tutorials," she said.

Her most popular video deals with her limited mobility - it's had more than 17 million views on Facebook and five million on YouTube.

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"I made the video because a lot of people were asking constantly, 'What's wrong with her hands, why is she holding the brush that way?'

"At the same time I wanted to inspire people to realise that their struggles aren't the end of the world and people can still achieve great things."

Jordan has gone further with her positivity mission and has recently released a book called My Beautiful Struggle, which sold out online during its first day on sale.

"I just hope this reaches so many people because I believe my story could inspire someone, just because I felt at my wit's end and that I could never do anything ever again," she says.

"I thought, who would hire me if I ever wanted a job, what could I physically do myself and I felt like giving up."

"I talk about how it's OK not to be OK and how we should talk about our feelings and it's important to acknowledge our emotions," Jordan says.

"In the future I just want to reach more people - I don't think we see enough disabled people on TV.

"It would be great to show people that we may have a disability but we are still human. We can still be successful and are just the same as everyone else."

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