Brilliantly bad presidential waxworks for sale

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A waxwork museum, with models of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, is closing due to a lack of visitors.

The Hall Of Presidents & First Ladies in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, says it gives tourists a chance to "see what our Presidents really looked like".

Although having seen the works of art, that promise could potentially be considered misleading advertising.

After closing its doors back in November, the museum will now auction off the models.

It enjoyed 60 years of business and people who visited seemed to enjoy their experience even if the models failed to live up to the billing.

Being America's first and only black president to date means Barack Obama's model will be easy to identify.

We are not sure if Mr Obama has seen his waxwork likeness but we think his reaction might be something like this.

Image source, Getty Images

And let's be honest, if you hadn't been told this was Michelle Obama, you might be struggling to put a name to the face.

Image source, Adam C

Can you spot the similarity?

Image source, Getty Images

Adults were charged just over £6 entrance fee to the museum while children under five went free. There was also free bus parking across the street.

But it sounds like while the building was easy to get to - the images were hard to forget.

John Travolta is not one of the 43 people who's served as US president but the waxwork above does resemble the Pulp Fiction actor.

It is, in fact, Bill Clinton who lived at the White House from 1993-2001.

Also on show is Hillary Clinton who narrowly lost out to Donald Trump in the 2016 US Presidential election.

If we are being fair, the images were inspired by what the couple looked like more than 15 years ago.

Image source, Getty Images
Image caption,

Bill & Hillary Clinton pictured in 1991

The Hall of Presidents also contains former President George W Bush...

And this Abraham Lincoln isn't a bad effort - particularly accurate with the beard.

Sadly, the museum closed before a waxwork of President-elect Donald Trump could be created.

Image source, Getty Images

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