Newspaper headlines: Theresa May's 'historic' Brexit vote defeat

Image source, Mark Duffy/UK Parliament

  • Author, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ News
  • Role, Staff

Wednesday's papers leave readers in no doubt about the scale of Theresa May's defeat in the crucial vote on her Brexit plan.

The Daily Telegraph's front page headline describes it as "a complete humiliation" for the prime minister. For the Sun, it was a "rout".

For Patrick Kidd, in his , this was "no close-run thing, no 52-48 split, but a pasting".

It was, the Politico website declares, the defeat of all defeats.

It went even beyond the most lurid predictions, . And yet later today, he adds, the PM will defend the government against a vote of no confidence and argue that she's still the best person to carry forward the Brexit negotiations.

On the brink?

The Daily Mail says the rejection of Mrs May's deal puts Brexit in doubt, while the Telegraph thinks it leaves Brexit in a state of paralysis and significantly raises the chance of the UK suspending Article 50.

According to the Independent website, Brexit is on the brink.

For the to leave the EU is now suspended in a state of limbo, if not purgatory.

The Sun's front page shows Mrs May as a dodo, saying her deal is as dead as one, above the headline: "Brextinct".

On the Daily Mirror's front page, a picture of a glum PM on the Commons front bench is accompanied by the words: "No deal, no hope, no clue, no confidence".

The view from Europe

In Germany, Der Tagesspiegel calls the vote a disaster. The UK, it concludes, is totally divided and does not need advice from Brussels.

According to Le Figaro in France, the defeat plunges Britain into further uncertainty.

Meanwhile, in the view of the Irish Times, a hapless government is left struggling to find a way forward, with the clock rapidly running down.

In Austria, Der Standard says Mrs May is facing "mission impossible" and that Britain is in its worst political crisis since the World War Two.

Away from Brexit...

A number of papers report a warning by scientists that shop till receipts contain a toxic substance that could cause cancer and infertility.

According to the Mail, the chemical BPA, which can be absorbed via the skin, was found in up to 90% of receipts in a study carried out in Spain.

The Sun explains that the alert concerns thermal paper receipts that use heat instead of ink to print the information on them. The British Retail Consortium says its members are aware of the issues associated with BPA and have either moved to alternatives or are in the process of reviewing its use.

Image source, Poundland

Finally, the Mirror says that as proposals go, an engagement ring costing Β£1 seems unlikely to win many hands in marriage.

But the budget retailer, Poundland, has launched its Bling Ring in time for Valentine's Day.

According to the Sun, "Scrooge suitors" can choose from one of four designs.

It reports that the bands are meant as "placeholders" - and are aimed at couples trying to save for a ritzier replacement later.

The Mail warns that those expecting a grand romantic gesture will be disappointed.