Aberystwyth University vice-chancellor to step down

Image caption, Professor Noel Lloyd has been vice-chancellor since September 2004

The vice-chancellor of Aberystwyth University has announced his retirement.

Professor Noel Lloyd, whose background is in mathematics, will step down at the end of the 2010-11 academic year.

Prof Lloyd has held the post since September 2004, and was awarded a CBE for services to higher education last month.

University president Sir Emyr Jones Parry said Prof Lloyd had given "distinguished service".

Prof Lloyd made his announcement at a meeting of the university's council on Thursday.

Reacting to the news, Sir Emyr, who is also a former UK ambassador to the United Nations, said: "Noel has given long and distinguished service to Aberystwyth University.

"The council has paid tribute to his service, first as registrar and secretary, and then vice-chancellor.

"His long-planned retirement will leave Aberystwyth University well placed to face future challenges.

"Under his stewardship the university achieved its autonomous status and has developed substantially."

Following Prof Lloyd's announcement the university's council started the process to appoint his successor, which is expected to be completed in time for the 2011-12 academic year.