The Last Igloo

Ep. 1/1 -

The igloo is thought to be one of the oldest human dwellings - a simple and elegant design that a skilled Inuit can build in a couple of hours. Synonymous with the arctic, this vernacular lodge is symbolic of a whole way of life.

But the igloo will soon be lost forever. The arctic is warming at twice the rate of anywhere else on earth, while Greenland’s ice sheet is vanishing four times faster now than in 2003. The snow and ice are disappearing, and with it, igloos and the cultures that built them.

This feature-length film tells the story of a typical day in the life of an Inuit hunter in Greenland, as he travels across the stunning arctic landscape with his dog sled, fishes through the sea ice, and finally builds an igloo. While Inuit now live in permanent settlements, igloos are still constructed by hunters for shelter while out in the wilderness. Documenting the ingenious craft of igloo-building before it’s too late, this film is an extraordinary and poetic sensory immersion in the landscape of ice and snow: an elegy to a world that is melting away.

Shot to reveal every beautiful detail of the hunter’s day and the epic landscape of Greenland, the visuals are enhanced by surround sound recording and a Dolby Atmos mix that immerses the viewer in the arctic. The stunning sound design is complemented by an original score from acclaimed Icelandic composer Biggi Hilmars.

At its heart, this film is a slow and meditative celebration of an indigenous craft at one with the landscape, a poignant reminder that both may soon disappear, and a satisfying sensory immersion in a world of ice and snow.

Pictured: Julius Nielsen

Publicity contact: FS

DateTuesday, 24 December 2019
Time7:30 PM -
9:00 PM
UpdatesConfirmed for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Four on Christmas Eve at 7.30pm to 9pm