Hey Duggee - Top of the Pups: The Stick Song
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Top of the Pups Episodes
- Halloween SongTime to get your spooky Halloween moves on! Let's dance with Duggee and the Squirrels3 mins
- Have a Duggee Duggee ChristmasHave a Duggee Duggee Christmas! Come and join the cheer with Mrs Weaver.3 mins
- The Earth SongCan you feel the love for the earth tonight with the amazing Mrs Weaver!4 mins
- The Superheroes SongSquirrel Squad assemble! It’s John the Crab on the mic alongside DJ Duggee.3 mins
- The Summer Holidays SongPut on a loud shirt and join Hennie - she can’t wait to get away on a holiday!4 mins
- The Harvest SongBilly the bug here bringing you some cheer for that special time of year, Harvest time4 mins
- The Getting Ready SongBuggee’s getting ready, she’s gonna walk you through all the things you should do3 mins
- The Numbers SongCome and join the number jam - it's counting with Duggee!2 mins
- Duggee on the DancefloorStep to the left and jump to the beat, you better clap your hands and shuffle your feet!3 mins
- The Colours SongTake a plunge into the ideas pool with Tino the Artistic Mouse4 mins
- The Feelings SongJoin the rabbits in a joyful exploration of feelings. They’re in their feelings man.3 mins
- The Chores SongDo you like chores? It's easy. Here's a simple test - tidy if it looks a mess!4 mins
- The Animals SongLadybird sings about all his favourite animals. He really loves them all.3 mins
- The Transport SongTake a trip with Tino the Artistic Mouse high in the sky or on the ocean.4 mins
- The Shapes SongThrow some shapes with King Tiger. What will yours be?3 mins
- Big and SmallWhether you are big or small doesn’t really matter at all. Life is not one-size-fits-all.3 mins
- BuildingGrab your hard hats and friends and join the building team!3 mins
- Meditation SongJoin old Deer and Hatsu Kimera the Pottery Poodle and learn how to meditate.5 mins
- Making MusicWe're making music! Ha! Ha!, we're making music!4 mins
- Being KindLet’s all be groovy like the Rabbits! You might find there’s more fun in being kind.3 mins
- The Football SongWe love football! Kick it! Head it! Put it in the net!3 mins
- Deck the HallsDuggee invites you to a festive celebration. It’s time to deck the halls, Squirrels!3 mins
- 10. Incy Wincy SpiderHedgley sings a song about Incy Wincy Spider.3 mins
- 11. Wheels on the BusThe Squirrels go on a bus ride with Duggee as they sing 'Wheels on the Bus'.2 mins
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