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Theodosia - Series 2: 5. Stop the Press - Audio Described
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Series 1 Episodes
- 1. The Eye of HorusEdwardian teen Theodosia Throckmorton stumbles upon a mysterious artefact.24 mins
- 2. The CurseTheodosia tries to find a cure for her father, who has been cursed by the Eye of Horus.24 mins
- 3. The Missing PrincessTheodosia experiments with her magic and accidentally turns Safiya into a shabti.25 mins
- 4. An Occidental OdysseyHenry and Will are whisked away to Egypt by a magical portal.25 mins
- 5. The Games People PlayA magical scarab beetle spies on Theodosia and causes chaos at the amusement arcade.24 mins
- 6. Cleaning CatastropheOne of Henry's inventions goes wrong, causing chaos inside the museum.25 mins
- 7. The Head of the SnakeTheodosia meets Yaret, leader of the Serpents of Chaos.24 mins
- 8. The Sound of MagicA dangerous creature gets loose inside the museum.25 mins
- 9. Double DangerTheodosia creates duplicates of herself to fool the Serpents of Chaos.25 mins
- 10. The DarkeningThe museum throws a fundraising party to celebrate the total eclipse.24 mins
- 11. The Pit of DespairTheo and Safiya battle for the Staff of Osiris.24 mins
- 12. Wild ChildOne of Theo's spells gets out of control in botany class.24 mins
- 13. The Eye of the NeedleTheodosia competes in a magical battle against the Chief Serpent.24 mins
- 14. A Date with DestinyA statue with a will of its own leads Theo and her friends to a brand-new mystery.25 mins
- 15. Time Waits for NobodyCan Theo save Will and Safiya, who are trapped inside a secret room?25 mins
- 16. The Age of WisdomTheo tries to decipher the secrets of her grandfather’s journal, with disastrous results.24 mins
- 17. The Nightmare at the MuseumTheo must race to save Will, Safiya and Henry, who have been swept into a dream world.25 mins
- 18. The Amazing WillThe pyramidion’s power turns Will’s dreams of fame into a magical nightmare.25 mins
- 19. The Magic FluteIt’s Theo’s 15th birthday party, but someone is after the pyramidion’s secret.24 mins
- 20. An Impossible ChoiceCan Theo prevent Aapep escaping his prison beneath the Great Pyramid of Khufu.24 mins
- 21. What Big Teeth You HaveTheo and Will try to discover what the Serpents of Chaos are planning.24 mins
- 22. Snake and LadderSomeone, or something, has been stealing magical power from the museum.25 mins
- 23. Mummies Alive!Aapep is loose in London, and the museum’s mummies have developed a mind of their own!24 mins
- 24. In Her ShoesAn accidental body-swap forces Theo and Safiya to pretend to be each other.24 mins
- 25. Once BittenWill returns to Aapep’s lair, while Aapep forces Nigella to seek out and destroy Theo.24 mins
- 26. The Last SunriseTheo and friends must face Aapep himself if they are to save the world from destruction.23 mins