Nick Cope's Popcast - Series 3: 6. Mouthful of Teeth
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Series 1 Episodes
- 1. DinosaurNick and Norman get a visit from a giant T-Rex, and Norman does his best dinosaur roar.5 mins
- 2. BabyThere’s a smelly pong in the caravan, and Nick and Norman need to get to the bottom of it!5 mins
- 3. Take a WalkNick and his grandson Remie wave goodbye to the city and say hello to the countryside.5 mins
- 4. LizardA scaly little visitor gives Nick and Norman an idea for today’s Popcast Song.5 mins
- 5. CloudIt’s a rainy day, so Nick and Norman create a Popcast song about a beautiful rainbow.5 mins
- 6. BagNick and Norman are at the seaside, and someone has left a plastic bag on the beach.5 mins
- 7. RobotRecycling gives Nick an idea for a Popcast song about a rusty old robot.5 mins
- 8. SpiderNick and his grandson Remie create a Popcast song about a spider who lives in a bucket.5 mins
- 9. PenguinNick creates a Popcast song about a brave penguin called Ruby, who was born with one wing.5 mins
- 10. BrotherNick is looking at family photographs and creates a Popcast song about being a brother.5 mins
- 11. HedgehogWhy did Hugh the hedgehog cross the road? He was looking for wiggly worms, of course!5 mins
- 12. BearNick and his grandson Remie sing a Popcast Song about bears in the wintery woods.5 mins
- 13. OctopusNick and Norman are going to an animal fancy dress party but what animal will Nick go as?5 mins
- 14. ForestWhile spending a night in the forest, Nick and Norman find a magical dragon’s egg.5 mins
- 15. ElfThe star has disappeared from the Christmas tree. Does the little elf know where it is?5 mins