Bitesize Daily: 7-9 Year Olds - Maths: 161. Problem Solving and Investigations
Extras Episodes
- Maths: 2. DivisionLearn about remainders when dividing, number patterns and dividing by one.20 mins
- English: 5. DialogueLearn about inverted commas, internal punctuation and writing dialogue.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 8. FeelingsLearn how to cope with big emotions.20 mins
- Maths: 11. MultiplicationLearn about mental multiplication, and working with larger numbers.20 mins
- English: 14. PersuasionLearn about simple persuasive devices, and persuasive conjunctions and phrases.20 mins
- Maths: 92. Fractions, Decimals and PercentagesLearn about equivalent fractions, fraction adding and subtraction, and ordering fractions.20 mins
- English: 95. Proofreading Own WritingMaking corrections, additions and revisions, substituting words and improving sentences.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 98. Coping with ChangeWays to respond to change, talking about change, planning for change.20 mins
- Maths: 101. TimeFive-minute intervals, digital clocks, and hours to minutes.20 mins
- English: 104. Writing PoetryUsing vocabulary to entertain, and identify the structure of a poem.20 mins
- Maths: 107. Large Number PlacementLearn about counting in thousands and placing value in four digits.20 mins
- English: 110. PunctuationApostrophes for contraction, apostrophes for possession, using commas in a list.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 113. Relationships and ConnectionsHow connecting to the world and friends help well-being.20 mins
- Maths: 116. Addition and SubtractionLearn about missing number problems, the column method and solving word problems.20 mins
- English: 119. Meaning of WordsUnderstanding words, prefixes and suffixes, and asking questions.20 mins
- Maths: 122. StatisticsLearn about bar charts, tables and time graphs.20 mins
- English: 125. Words and PhrasesLearn about themes, words and phrases that capture interest.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 128. Self-EsteemLearn how to build resilience and feel good.20 mins
- Maths: 131. Measuring LengthLearn how to add and subtract lengths, measure perimeter of 2D shapes and convert lengths.20 mins
- English: 134. Word ClassesLearn about themes, words that capture interest and phrases that capture interest.20 mins
- Maths: 137. Maths - Volume, Capacity and MassLearn about measuring mass and capacity, and matching measures.20 mins
- English: 140. English - Reading to UnderstandLearn about the meaning of words in context, discussing books and asking questions.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 143. Well-being - Sleep and ExerciseLearn about the effects of poor sleep and how exercise can be fun.20 mins
- Maths: 146. Maths - Properties of ShapesLearn about triangles, parallel and perpendicular lines, and right-angle turns.20 mins
- English: 149. English - Spoken LanguageLearn about listening carefully, standard English and reviewing a performance.20 mins
- Maths: 152. Position and DirectionLearn about position and direction.20 mins
- English: 155. Reading to InferLearn about inferring character’s feelings and what characters say and think.20 mins
- Wellbeing: 158. Thinking PositivelyLearn about thinking and feeling good, and positive thinking practise.20 mins
- This episodeMaths: 161. Problem Solving and Investigations
- English: 164. Reading Aloud/PerformingLean about exploring character, adding action, and tone, intonation and volume.20 mins