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Charlie and Lola - Series 1: 1. I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed - Audio Described
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Series 3 Episodes
- 1. I Really Absolutely Must Have GlassesLola doesn't want to go to the optician. Until, that is, she sees some beautiful glasses.11 mins
- 2. Thunder Completely Does Not Scare MeIs there is a giant in the sky with a rumbly tummy, or is the sky going to fall down?11 mins
- 3. I Slightly Want to Go Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔLola is going to Lotta's house for her first ever sleepover.11 mins
- 4. I Am Extremely Absolutely BoilingIt's very hot, and Charlie and Lola are trying to stay cool. Lola falls out with Arnold.11 mins
- 5. Do Not Ever Never Let Go!Lola has to learn to ride a bike without stabilisers, but it's not as easy as it looks.11 mins
- 6. Everything Is Different and Not the SameLola goes back to school for the autumn term, but everything has changed.21 mins
- 7. Our Shop Sells EverythingLola accidentally sells Charlie's swimming goggles to Morten.11 mins
- 8. I Am Inventing a Usefullish InventionCharlie and Marv must come up with an invention for a school project, and Lola helps.11 mins
- 9. But We Always Do It Like ThisLola is annoyed when other people try and help build her sandcastle.11 mins
- 10. I Can't Stop HiccuppingLola gets the hiccups while practising for the school concert.11 mins
- 11. But I Am Completely Hearing and Also ListeningCharlie and Lola miss a party because Lola doesn't listen to Arnold Wolf's instructions.11 mins
- 12. I Would Like to Actually Keep It, but I Really Don't Like This Present...Lola doesn't like the hat that Lotta gives her. It's itchy and it has dangly bits.11 mins
- 13. I Can Dance Like a DancerLola is sure that she is a good dancer, but ballet is too floaty.11 mins
- 14. Help! I Really Mean It!Granny and Grandpa's cat Caspar has come to stay with Charlie and Lola.11 mins
- 15. You're Coming Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ With MeLola finds a toy rabbit near school and is very worried about it.11 mins
- 16. It's Raining, It's BoringMarv finds a compendium of games and tries to play every game before the rain stops.11 mins
- 17. I Am Goody the GoodLola decides to be helpful like the hero of her book, Goody the Good.11 mins
- 18. It Is Very Special and Extremely AncientLola and her best friend Lotta find out what a fossil is and are determined to find one.11 mins
- 19. What Can I Wear for Halloween?Charlie, Lola, Lotta and Marv have been growing a pumpkin for the Halloween party.11 mins
- 20. But Marv Is Absolutely Charlie's Best FriendLola thinks Charlie and Marv aren't best friends anymore.11 mins
- 21. I Am Making a CrazeEveryone is hula-hooping but Lola has had enough, so she invents cuppy catch-ball.11 mins
- 22. But Where Completely Are We?Mum and Dad let Charlie and Lola go camping in the garden.11 mins
- 23. I Really, Really Need Actual Ice SkatesHaving begged Granny and Grandad for a scooter, Lola suddenly wants ice skates.11 mins
- 24. I Wish I Could Do That, and Also That TooMarv invites Lola to his party, but Lola has promised to play beads on the same day.11 mins
- 25. I Am Going to Save a PandaLola and Lotta want to save a panda and decide to raise money by getting sponsored.11 mins
- 26. I've Got Nobody to Play WithPiggy in the middle is fun, but you need other people. Lola has her imaginary friend.11 mins
- 27. I Can Train Your DogMarv's mum says Sizzles really is a very naughty dog, but Lola knows this isn't true.11 mins