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Balamory - Series 4: The Optician - Audio Described
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Series 4 Episodes
- The AllotmentJosie is looking after the Morrisons' garden while they are away on holiday.19 mins
- Too Much of a Good ThingArchie is unable to find a use for all the foil trays in Miss Hoolie's cupboard.19 mins
- CarnivalThere is a carnival in the big city on the mainland, but what will Miss Hoolie wear?19 mins
- SlippyIt's a snowy day in Balamory and Spencer finds it difficult to travel around on his bike.19 mins
- This episodeThe Optician
- BonjourIt's French Day at the nursery and Miss Hoolie's French friend Philippe is helping.19 mins
- Worried PlumPlum has a day of worrying about everything, so who can make him a little less glum?19 mins
- Feeling at Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔMiss Hoolie is organising a picnic for her friends who have come to stay.19 mins
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