Health and care


Main pledges

  • Give NHS England £9bn extra year by 2021/22, with £2bn more for social care
  • Increase nurse training placements and reinstate funding for bursaries
  • Crack down on ineligible foreign nationals using the NHS
  • End Private Finance Initiative (PFI) deals in the NHS

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Support the creation of a national schools fund to refurbish "our Victorian age" school infrastucture
  • End the forced closure of community schools
  • Ensure all parents have the right to send their children to a local school teaching through the medium of English or Welsh
  • Support comprehensive schools and back the establishment of new grammar schools and technical colleges, if the local community wishes

Foreign and defence


Main pledges

  • Reverse the demilitarisation of UK and rebuild the armed forces
  • Use status as big defence power in Brexit negotiations
  • Support working constructively with US President Donald Trump
  • Avoid allowing Britain to become involved in foreign wars

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • End freedom of movement
  • Require foreign trawlers to have permits to fish in Welsh waters post-Brexit
  • Limit the total cost of running the Welsh Government, the assembly and local councils to 2% of Wales' economy
  • Scrap police and crime commissioners, create a national commissioner and merge the four Welsh forces into one body
  • Ensure all parents have the right to send their children to a local school teaching through the medium of English or Welsh
  • Support the proposed Swansea Bay tidal lagoon

Welfare and pensions


Main pledges

  • Maintain the triple-lock on state pensions
  • Reverse cuts to care budgets and put £2bn every year into social care
  • Increase Carer’s Allowance to match higher level of Job Seeker’s Allowance (£73.10)
  • Scrap the bedroom tax

Transport and environment


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Encourage a Wales-wide convention to plan a fit for purpose transport infrastructure that helps businesses increase exports
  • Invest in rail infrastructure, creating new routes using proven high-speed technology already used in Asia
  • Encourage city regions to explore innovative, environmentally-sound transport solutions, such as monorail system
  • Support innovations such as the tidal lagoon project proposed for Swansea Bay



Main pledges

  • Quit the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, the EU single market, and customs union
  • Restore "full maritime sovereignty"
  • Pay no "divorce" money to the EU, nor contribute to EU budget
  • Finish Brexit process by the end of 2019



Main pledges

  • End freedom of movement between UK and EU
  • Aim to reduce net migration to zero over a five-year period
  • Moratorium on unskilled and low-skilled immigration for five years after Brexit
  • Require new migrants to pay tax for five years before they are eligible for benefits and non-urgent NHS services

Economy and taxes


Main pledges

  • Remove VAT from domestic energy bills
  • Increase income tax personal allowance to £13,500 and raise 40% threshold to £55,000
  • Raise inheritance tax thresholds
  • Bring in measures to stop big corporations using "aggressive tax avoidance schemes"

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Complete the Brexit process by 2019, without paying money to the EU
  • Restore "complete control" of UK's maritime exclusive economic zone
  • Cut net migration levels to zero within five years by almost halving immigration into the UK
  • Unskilled and low-skilled labour banned for five years, and skilled workers and students would need visas
  • Slash the foreign aid budget and spend it on domestic priorities like the NHS
  • Ban Sharia courts and the wearing of face coverings in public places



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Incentivise local development, bringing brownfield sites and derelict homes back in to use and released for affordable housing
  • Give local people more say on major planning decisions in their communities through legally binding referenda
  • Encourage new and innovative ways of building affordable homes, such as modular housing units and houses built using sustainable materials
  • Scrap punitive fees charged by letting and management agents



Main pledges

  • Provide 100,000 homes for younger people
  • Introduce locally-made, factory-built modular homes
  • Acquire brownfield sites through compulsory purchase to build affordable housing
  • Launch a review into operation of Housing Associations

Economy and taxes


Main pledges

  • Raise the personal allowance to £13,500, meaning those on the minimum wage would pay no income tax
  • Support the devolution of corporation tax to the assembly to help create a vibrant private sector
  • Allow the National Assembly to lower taxes on business, particularly in areas such as the Welsh valleys and deindustrialised communities
  • Introduce suitable, sustainable farming funding, financed by £10bn annual savings from the UK's EU membership

Future of the UK


Main pledges

  • Publicly chosen referendum to take place every two years with outcome legally binding and included in Queen’s Speech
  • Introduce a system of proportional representation
  • Abolish the House of Lords
  • Introduce an English Parliament

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Create a staffing strategy for changes in demand, population and demography to prevent "ludicrous" overtime bills
  • Ensure students receiving NHS bursaries for university courses work in an NHS setting for at least three years after graduation
  • Ensure health bodies' highest paid staff earn no more than 10 times their lowest paid counterparts
  • Give mental health services parity with physical health treatment and reflect this in staffing and budgets

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Grammar school in every town
  • Restore university maintenance grants
  • Stop offering student loans to EU nationals after Brexit
  • Expand technical and vocational education

Transport and environment


Main pledges

  • Oppose Heathrow Airport expansion in favour of expansion of regional airports
  • Scrap HS2
  • Remove road tolls on public roads
  • Repeal the Climate Change Act’