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Hello sailor

Meet the intrepid crew ready for their around the world adventure.

Rachel Axcell

Why did you decide to do the clipper challenge?
After being introduced to sailing in 2006, I have spent all my free time trying to find a way to make sailing my career, the Clipper Race will give me around 35,000 miles for my log book, the chance to complete a Foundation degree in Yachting science, be able to do my yachts master and other RYA courses on my return and be an adventure of a lifetime, which will hopefully only be the start of more to come!

Rachel Axell

Rachel Axell

Describe yourself in three words?
Adventurous, Determined and Enthusiastic

What are your biggest fears about the trip?
Not being able to raise enough sponsorship to complete the entire race and ten months of seasickness!

What are you most looking forward to about the trip?
This is an experience of a lifetime, as well as the sailing, and the challenges and adventure it brings, I have not seen much of the world and the places we are sailing into will be amazing.Ìý Also, meeting new people and making friends for life on board and in port.ÌýÌý Sunsets and Sunrises are beautiful and different everyday.Ìý We will also get some fantastic views of the stars!

Which one luxury item would you take on the boat?
A waterproof photo of my family.

Which book, film or piece of music would you take with?
A completely non sailing related book, something girly!

Not sure on a film? Think it would have to be Castaway for top tips (just in case!)
I will be taking my ipod, music is my escapism and the ear plugs can also be used to drown out other peoples snoring!Ìý I Like all sorts from Coldplay, Killers, Snowpatrol, Pink Floyd, U2, Faithless to Dire Straits

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest moment?
The achievement of returning home safely and seeing my family, the thought of winning one leg or the entire race!

If you could choose five people dead or alive)Ìý to go on the boat with you who would they be?
Sir Robin Knox, Ellen MacArthur, Mike Golding, Alex Thompson (I would be able to learn a huge amount from all of these people and be sure to win!).Ìý The last person would have to be a member of my family, someone I could share all my experiences with!Ìý They would have to draw straws though!

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team the most?
Not sure, probably just me in general after a while! (I hope not!)

If you had to entertain the crew what would your party trick be?
Breakdancing? Entertaining for all the wrong reasons!

Which destinations are you looking forward to the most and why?
Absolutely all of them, the only one I have already been to is New York, but that will still be amazing, sailing past the Statue of Liberty and into the financial district.Ìý I think arriving in Australia will be a huge relief after up to 6 weeks in the Southern Ocean!Ìý Testing out China's new Olympic sailing facilities ahead of the Beijing Olympics 2008 will be fantastic. Celebrating my birthday in the Caribbean with my new friends!

Jayne Gill.

Why did you decide to do the Clipper challenge?
I decided to do the Clipper challenge when a feature about Clipper caught my attention in the Hull Daily Mail. I love the sea but have not had much opportunity to go sailing; my only experience being a trip I did on the Winston Churchill Tall Ship with the sail training association in 2000.
I sailed as crew from Tenerife to the Azores which was a brilliant experience. I always promised myself if I had the chance I would sail again, and Clipper has provided that. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I relish the personal challenge of learning new skills and pushing myself mentally and physically.
It allows you to meet people from all walks of life, whilst you are sailing everyone has to muck in, there is no hierarchy or polotics. It will be fantastic for learning about team building and improving communication skill The thrill of racing across oceans will be out of this world. How many people can say they have done that?
The race will be exciting and challenging, learning to marster new skills and adapt to all sailing conditions. I am looking forward to a memorable trip.

What are your biggest fears about the trip:
Letting the team down.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Determined, Positive, Impulsive

What are you most looking forward to about the trip:
Working with everyone to win the race.

Which one luxury item would you take on board:
MP3 player

Which book, film or peice of music would you take:
Bat out of Hell

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest
Proving what I am capable of and seeing my family.

If you could choose five people dead or alive to go on the boat with you who would they be:
Jonny Depp,Ìý Emily Pankhurst, Derron Brown, Desmond Tutu, Peter Kay,Ìý Elvis.

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team most:

Which destination are you looking forward to the most and why:
Qindao, China as I have never been.

Wendy Damerall

Why did you decide to do the clipper challenge?
I wanted to challenge myself and do something different that not a lot of people can say they've done, I've always been interested in sailing and crossing an ocean was an ideal challenge for me.

Describe yourself in three words:
Fun, adventurous, passionate.

What are your biggest fears about the trip:
Not finishing my leg, letting the team down.

Wendy Damerall

Wendy Damerall

What are you most looking forward to about the trip?Ìý
Actually taking part in the race, working as part of the team and completing it.

Which one luxury item would you take on the boat?ÌýÌý
Hair conditioner

Which book, film or piece of music would you take with?
Finding Nemo

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest moment?
Knowing that I've got to do it and not let the team/myself down.

If you could choose five people dead or alive to go on the boat with you who would they be?
Ellen MacArthur would be one of them - she's done it before!

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team the most?
Hmmm...tough one!Ìý Don't think I've got any.

If you had to entertain the crew what would your party trick be?
Haven't got one!

Which destination are you looking forward to the most and why?
New York and sailing past the Statue of Liberty!

Sam Willis

Why did you decide to do the clipper challenge?
I am wanting to take sailing into a career and race against big names like Alex Thomson, Ellen Macarthur etc, and, I think this is a great way to get into it as it opens so many doors along the way, plus it will be a great experience for myself, and a challenge to get on with people 3 times my age!

Describe yourself in three words?
Outgoing, Friendly, Easy going

What are your biggest fears about the trip?
My biggest fear of the trip is getting on with everybody, because the chances are, if anything goes wrong, E.g. you fall over board, they’re going to be the ones that save you.

What are you most looking forward to about the trip?
I think the best part of the trip is the Southern Ocean, as I will not be bored as their will be loads of wind, big seas, and it’s just going to be great, or at least I think it’s going to be.

Which one luxury item would you take on the boat?
The one thing I would take with me is heating, so I can keep warm when I am not on watch.

Sam Willis

Sam Willis

Which book, film or piece of music would you take with?
I think I would have to take the Perfect Storm, just to keep me relaxed.

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest moment?
I think it will be if I don’t raise enough to get all the way around.

If you could choose five people dead or alive to go on the boat with you who would they be?
I would have to take; Alex Thomson, Ellen MacArthur, Conrad Humpreys, Dee Caffari, Robin Knox-Johnston – to create the ultimate sailing team.

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team the most?
Hopefully nothing but if something, probably making too much noise when people are off watch.

If you had to entertain the crew what would your party trick be?
It would have to be something like a water fight, if it’s a hot day.

Which destination are you looking forward to the most and why?
I think it will be Durban, South Africa, because my 18th Birthday is there so hopefully Clipper will through me a party.

Quent Thompson

Why did you decide to do the clipper challenge?
I heard about the Clipper race in the local news paper and followed this up by using the internet. I then enquired about some more info and was put in touch with David Cusworth.Ìý I made an appiontment to see David and he basically convinced me there and then, I took the view I'm not getting any younger and it was a case of now or never.

Describe yourself in three words?
Quiet, Private, ?

What are your biggest fears about the trip?
Not completing the race.

Quentin Thompson

Quentin Thompson

What are you most looking forward to about the trip?
All of it.

Which one luxury item would you take on the boat?
Notebook PC to record events and personal thoughts.

Which book, film or piece of music would you take with?
Pink Floyd.

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest moment?
Knowing family and friends are wanting me to succeed.

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team the most?
Snoring loudly I guess.

Which destination are you looking forward to the most and why?
All of them. I've not visited most of them.

Mandy Brown

Why did you decide to do the clipper challenge?
In 2003 I visited Fremantle, Australia, whilst in Perth for the Rugby World Cup. One day with a terrific storm beating the area I took shelter in the Maritime Museum. Here I was captivated by Australia II winner of the America’s Cup, with the then controversial keel and their famous theme song ‘We come from a Land Down Under’ – by Men at Work.Ìý This amazing yacht was suspended as if taking a wave and full of mannequins operating the winches. I thought how amazing it would be to undertake the challenge of an ocean race, but believed such races these were crewed solely by professional sailors.

Three years later in November 2006 although being in a job that I enjoy I felt life needing shaking up a little, so I decided to apply for a 3 month career break in 2008. I was sitting at my desk trying to decide how I could learn a new skill and travel, and literally as I was listing the options I received an email from the Hull Chamber of Commerce seeking crew for the Hull and Humber Clipper. Eureka - great timing.Ìý So now my career break has been stretched to10 months from September 07 and I will be developing my sailing skills by crossing all the five Oceans – the Great Blues.
Describe yourself in three words?
I had to ask friends on this one, the consensus was -Ìý vibrant, dedicated and astute
What are your biggest fears about the trip?
Facing the challenge of being mid-ocean in extreme weather conditions and as a crew just having to battle through it, you cannot walk away. Then there is the social challenge of living with 17 other people 24/7 in very limited space. I may have a few Greta Garbo ‘I want to be alone’ moments – pretty difficult at sea – unless you climb the mast….

What are you most looking forward to about the trip?
Developing my sailing skills by pushing myself to the limit in the various wind and sea conditions. There is also the psychological aspect of racing and the concentration required, for every strategy and manoeuvre impacts on your ability to win. Finally there is the social aspect of not just spending time with our crew – but also swapping tales of adventure and daring acts with the crews of the other nine Clippers in ports all over the world.

Which one luxury item would you take on the boat?
I will take my I-pod as music can help me relax and reset my emotions. It can also be broadcast through the radio so our crew can appreciate this whilst watching the stars on the many hours of night sailing across the vast Oceans.

Which book, film or piece of music would you take with?
Bizarrely, the movie Titanic – as it will keep us on our toes, and if the worst happens we can see how to go down with style – as the band plays on!

What will be the thought or thing that drives you through your lowest moment?
In the words of a great book ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’. I believe you have one life I want to take the opportunity to live it to the full. You develop and encounter many emotions through challenges not by taking life easyÌý
(Remind me of that one will you at 3am in a howling gale when battling to change the sails – one of which has a strong inclination to drive into the sea – with me attached to the other end.)

If you could choose five people dead or aliveÌý to go on the boat with you who would they be?
This was really difficult to do – so for the race I decided to invite people around the theme of International issues and topics for debate –they need to be able to fill 10 months, not just a flash in the pan dinner party:-.
Elizabeth I - power - I am fascinated by the Tudor and Stuart period, and how she was monarch for 45 years in a male dominated era. She was also in charge of a Maritime fleet that sailed the world so comparisons could be made.
Archbishop Tutu – morality - I lived in Africa for 2.5 years and have a great love of the continent, we could discuss Africa, theology and social action. He also has a very infectious laugh.
Jerry Seinfeld – humour - I love the Jewish sense of humour and his very quirky take on life, delivered inÌý rapid fire one liners. He could also have a long discussion about America and the Jewish experience.
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa – music - she has a range of music styles to entertain, can teach us to sing and can debate the issues of Australia and New Zealand and the issues of natives and colonisation as she is of Maori decent.
Raphael – art – one of the key figures in the Italian Renaissance I would like to explore art and its meaning and understand that great period in history. I have also always wanted to learn Italian – so here is the opportunity.
Strange group not sure what the other crew members would think – but life would never be boring.

Which of your habits will annoy the rest of the team the most?
Talking over other peoples conversations
If you had to entertain the crew what would your party trick be?
Teaching them how to dance the Jive – I have been learning this partner based dance for about five years – usually the French version called Ceroc. Although, I am not sure how much space there is for the energetic moves, and the deck does have a lot of trip hazards.

Which destination are you looking forward to the most and why?
In December 2007 the Hull Clipper will be in Fremantle having completed 3 Ocean crossings and no doubt faced many demanding storms. Whilst there I plan to revisit Australia II the Yacht that started this challenge – to state that dreams can come true. The only difference in our crew is that there are men and women at work.

last updated: 09/05/2008 at 16:11
created: 21/05/2007

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