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Should the clocks go back in winter?
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The idea of introducing BST was to improve health and happiness and save the country millions of pounds due to loss of earnings

A Daylight Saving Bill was introduced in 1909, but met with no success before war broke out

In April, 1916, Daylight Saving Time was introduced as a wartime measure of economy

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Parents like it because they can take their children to school in day light.

Farmers hate it because it shortens their working day.

Some say it helps accident prevention.

Others hate the dark evenings.

What do you think?

If you could control the clock - would you move it back?

Tell us what you think about the clocks going back on the message board below.


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Richard, Hertforshire
The clocks going back to GMT is a terrible idea, and it's proven. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents estimates that there would be around 3000 fewer fatal accidents a year if we stuck with BST (i.e, don't put the clocks back). The reasons are clear. This morning I got up early 6:45am and it was broad daylight outside, as we've just put the clocks back - however, nodoby was around. It's now 4.45pm as I right this. It's almost dark outside and the streets are packed with cars, kids playing etc etc. After discussing this with colleagues at work, everyone was pretty unanimous in the view that putting the clocks back is quite simply pointless. I even consulted with one of my best friends who lives in Scotland. Apparently the lighter mornings are nice, but the loss of the light in the evenings far offsets any gains. Often the argument is made that farmers and people in other specialist industries require the clocks to go back as they are required to start work earlier. However, it is people in these industries who have the most freedom over choosing what time they start work anyway. To the Scottish farmers I say 'If it's too dark to start work at 9.00am, then wait till 10.00am and simply finish work an hour later'. All in all, what's the most advantageous policy: saving up to 3000 lives a year and reducing seasonally affected disorder, or helping some Scottish farmers. Seems obvious to me.


Bristow, Virginia, USA
I live in the US and they've added more months to summer time so winter time is only 3 months long. I think that is a lot better than waiting until April.

Natasha, Central London
Yeah I totally think the clocks should go back, it gives you a sense of difference.

Dazzy, Worcs.
Lets Keep GMT. Its our geographical time zone so we should stick with it. BST is man made nonsense and I am not scared of the dark, It gets dark at night, nothing you can do to stop that. Just spare a thought for the poor icelandic folk that get no daylight at all in the height of winter and stop complaining.

virginia woods, loughton, essex
no,we should leave them

Simon Croft, from Sheffield
No the clocks should not go back, darker evenings when kids play out, traffic is heavier people finishing work, therfore less safe.

Dave, Barrow in furness
Keep BST for the winter and have BST+1 for summer, this would put us on par with CET(central european time) I vote no to GMT. Also those who say it's darker on the mornings with BST, yes but only for a few weeks it eventually catches up again, in the middle of summer the sun rises at 3AM and sets at 10PM. Those who say we detest anything with the word euro in it are forgetting that we are europeans not just british. we should not call ourselves british because techincally we arn't, Scotland=scottish, England=english,Wales=welsh andNorthern Ireland=Irish.


Leave the clocks alone and keep BST.

David Hughes
the clocks must stay as they are on british summer, which will be called british standard time and, shall move on 1 hour to double summer time on the last sunday in march 2009.it's to reduce a lot more accidents and deaths on the road by traffic and, also it's to increase longer summer nights in the summer as well, as fitting in with the rest of central european and, also it's trading hours.also it encourages people to spend more time out especially by the beaches and, overall millions and millions of pounds more saved on electricity bills, which will be going to much better use to improve better health as well, as for improving more road safeties on the road as well, as reducing a lot more traffic and pollutions on the roads.no, no, no the clocks must not return back to greenwich mean time any more because it gets dark too early in the winter months

Charlie Phillips Dartford
I think the clocks should go back because it prevents dangerous accidents that happen in darkness.

John calladine ilkeston
i would like to see the clocks stop the same why do we do it in this day and age?

Gus Leicester
Altering the clock doesn't alter the amount of daylight we have,(which changes everyday anyway)Leave the clocks alone so we don't have to keep our body clocks being adjusted twice a year.

Kevin, West Yorks
I would like to keep BST, but there would be nothing to look forward to in March!

Nick, Staffordshire
GMT all year. 1) if not then it will be pitch black at 9am in many parts of the UK in DEC/JAN. 2) Many people forget that GMT is our standard time and BST is an artificial creation. I think man has already tampered enough with the natural course of things for the worse. 3) Those who normaly retire at 10 pm because they have to be up very early for work the next day find the sun still shining in many parts of the UK in June/July an unwelcome phemnenon which does not aid restful sleep.

rob pidding from dawlish
hi i think the clocks should goe into euiropean time so we can keep th clocks the same all year round as in the evening lighter evenings and in summer

i hate light evening you cant sleep the clocks should go back

Stan Bird, Newcastle-under-Lyme
Everyone wants lighter nights. At the moment when clocks are put back most people are depressed and feel locked away.

Judy, Fareham, Hants.
Why not only reduce by half an hour, and then everyone is happy....

no - stay on bst for ever. we are part of europe and should stay at the same time as our continental contacts. cost billions not to so so.

DBS - Liverpool
Clocks should not go forward in summer, we should stay using GMT throughout the year. Why do we need lighter evenings in the summer, they are light enough anyway. Why stress us all out twice a year with the see-saw changing of time? We should rather change the school and working hours to reflect the ltitude we live at.

Philip Mayall/Tolworth, Surrey
No! Lighter evenings please. Winter is depressing enough.

Sue Brooks, Kidderminster

Adam Benton, suffolk
No The clocks should not go back. It causes heatl and safety issues in the evening.

Adam Benton & suffolk
No, i hate getting home at dark. It makes me moody and just wan tot go to bed. Who cares if its a bit lighter in the morning? No one!! just leave it as it is in the summer!!!

carol ,belfast, n.i.
the clocks should not go back. in 1916 peopie had a watch or clock to turn back now our lives are ruled by clocks eg central heating, videos, dvds, clocks in cars, phones etc. what a waste of time fixing all these things. plus how many people will actually see the extra hour of daylight to-day i am sure they won't get out of their beds until 9am.

Richard London
The later it gets dark the safer it is for the far greater number of peoplea who are around than in the mornings, when it's just a small number of people such as farmers who usually have far more control and choice over their working practices. BST is the natural choice!

no. i absolutely detest the idea of clocks go back. i dread the thought and depress of the dark evening. some mindless human haters must have thought of idea of messing with the clock in first place. please dont put clock back

gren, brighton
Rubbish idea-simply confuses everyone and adds complication to our already complicated lives.

Kate, Great Coates
The clocks shouldn't go back.


The clocks should not go back,leave them at British Summer time.

Brian Passmore
NO !

Ian/ Huddersfield
Dont put them back

Donna Nicholls of Grimsby
No the clocks should not go back... As the kids are at risk enough without the pitch blackness in the evenings and dark mornings

jemma shearing winchester
yes they should go back, i cant get up in the morning when its dark!

Mr Cox - Kent
The clocks should NOT go back - its outdated & should be made obsolete.

Mark, Manchester
Personally i can't wake up in the dark and find it extremely depressing travelling to work in the dark so I welcome the clocks going back. Its too dark in the mornings now as it is and the clock havent gone back yet! Dont really care for the light in the evening or the night - surely thats what night time's for??

frances hamilton edinburgh
Putting the clocks back in October is a rotten practice that is most detrimental to us in the north. There is little benefit in having the extra hour of light in the mornings as it's still dark when we get up and when my daughter walks to school - she starts at 8.30am. SAD is a real problem for a lot of people, including myself, and losing an hour of light in the afternoon when there's no real point in doing so, is really, really frustrating. If only there was a good reason for doing it, BUT THERE ISN'T ONE!

geoff fitter,hornchurch essex
no,its pointless,and out of date,

The annual return to GMT is, in my opinion the most detested date in the calender. Were the winter not dark enough we are plunged into Stygian gloom. This very dangerous for people prone to depression - like myself. The mornings will be dark anyway. But if you know tou have an extra hour of useful light it makes all the difference. And when is it more dangerous to walk about inthe dark. Morning or evening?

Roger, Leicestershire
Please keep BST all year round

Steve Penny, Stroud
GMT is great because it means mid-day (when the sun is at its zenith) is at noon, not 1pm as it is with BST. We should keep GMT all year round so that we avoid the expense, hassle and mistakes involved in changing clocks. If we are worried about how bright it is, then we should change working hours, not time.

D Gladstone, Cheltenham
I don't think they should go back.

mrs cox , stourbridge
i thinnk the clocks should stay the same as gm time

gerarde connolly Dumbarton Scotland
i would not move the clock back/forward again

Mrs Long Hereford
No they should not go back

David, London
We should keep the clocks on B.S.T. All the time

J Esplin, Livingston
No, leave it as it is - these long dark nights are definitely despressing!

Kevin Greene
The clock going back is daft. you finish work andby the time you get home is getting dark. Most people work indoors in a theatre in total black out, i would rather leave work and have a extra hour of sun.

Edward Cowdrey weymouth
Of course clocks should go back. Anybody who has to get up for work is put into a dangerous situation by having to travel on dark mornings for SIX MONTHS of the year. If clocks don't go back and still go forward next March, the situation will be even worse. Lazy people who don't work for a living will be out in the garden having parties till God knows what time, while people who have to get up will be unable to get to sleep, and then have to travel to work in the dark. When are people going to grow up, recognise there are fewer daylight hours in the Winter and accept it. The system we have at present hasn't happened by accident, it has happened because it is the best. This Country has mucked up enough things persuing a gratuitous easy life of pleasure. Let's have some sense somewhere for once!

No they should not go back in the winter as it gives me less time to ride my horse

no. Keep the same time all year through

Why not try it for 1 year do the statistics regarding accidents and then have a vote to keep GMT or use BST on local election forms. I would BST!

jackie grimsby
the clocks should not go back its depressing and coming home from work in the dark makes it even more depressing,we should be like the rest of europe,why should we have dark nights its horrible,its an old fashioned habit and should be stopped

Andy Rochester
NO! It's a stupid idea."Parents like it because they can take their children to school in day light." And let them walk home in the dark. Everyone hates it. If I didn't have to I would leave my clocks summertime all year round. I would like to have a bit of leasure time in the light!!

Chris Tolmie High Wycombe
Please get us back to light evenings! Today it was light at 6:00am (GMT), later this afternoon we will all be forced indoors!! Why have light mornings and dpressing evenings?

I have never been able to get to grips with the reasons offered up for this arguement. Adjusting a clock will NOT provide any more or less night and day - I say scrap the idea.

Fiona, Kent
I like some other people who have written stuff here am just trying to find out when they go back?

Derek, Nottingham
Yes, if you get out of bed early it is geat.

D.W.GILL, Stourport/Solwezi
Yes they should go back but what needent happen is for the clocks to go forward. It was a war time measure and should be scrapped. British time is "GMT" which is what the clocks are going back to.

Cameron Clarke, Worcester
In years gone by when it was cold and dark in the mornings the changing of the clocks was for, in principle, the benefit of School Children. As our climate is changing i think we would benefit more by longer evenings and therefore feel it is time to change our rather unnatural policy of changing from one time zone to another. Lets keep to BST.

Adam. Deepings
keep it all how it is, you can please some of the people, some of the time, but not all of the people, all of the time. God get a life!

Ryan Chapman Street Somerset

John baynham Kidderminster
No the clocks should not go back

Ian Lang/Hereford
I hate it when the clocks go back to GMT. Like most people, Monday to Friday is ruled by the 9-5 tyranny. That means I have to squeeze my ‘life’ into the weekend and evenings. When the clocks go back, I’m robbed of my last bit of weekday daylight until the spring. Which means that I have to walk the dog, exercise (on my push bike), play with the kids and everything else, either indoors or in the dark. This annoys me, especially as I’m forced to waste the winter daylight stuck in an artificially lighted office, a task that could easily be done in darkness. Frankly, I’d got to GMT+2 or GMT in the winter, leaving two or three hours of daylight after work. Ok, so I’d be going to work in the dark, but so what, it’s only work.

mike london
keep BST it works for every one apart from the farmers, we have suffered with it now let them suffer.

Clare Mitton, Cambridge
No, the clocks should not go back, leave them at British summer time.

Katy, Southampton
I don't mind the clocks going forward in the Spring, lighter mornings makes it feel like summer's on it's way. And surely no-one can grumble at an extra hour in bed on a chilly October night!!

The same time should be maintained all year round. It gets too confusing if you have to keep on thinking about changing the clocks.

Too right I get an extra hour in bed!!!

er i would also being the third person like to know when the clocks do go back this year?!?!?

When do you alter your clocks

Kate Turvey - Bath
No they shouldnt go back i would rather have darker mornings than darker nights

Keep the clocks how they are. Im sure the farmers down here will work out fine and as for school kids it would be much better for it to be darker in the morning than in the evening. When it is dark in the morning i was still sleepy because it was still night time to me.

Greg, Surbiton
No they should not go back. I would rather have more light in the evening than earlier in the morning. It seems so absurd when it is getting dark at 330pm!

Gerry Freemantle

Philip, Ashton-under-Lyne
Lives are saved ... energy is saved ... industry in this country is on the same time zone as Europe ... life is not just bed and work ... unfortunately people in this country suddenly turn against anything that has the word Euro in it

No! Let the Scottish parliament decide on their own and the rest of the UK can do away with it. It was our friends north of the border that scuppered abolishing it anyway?

Alison Sweetman
I had just started secondary school when we last experimented with keeping British Summer time so have experienced as a school child. I found it extremely worrying having to walk to school in the dark. Coming home from school was no problem as most schools end between 3.00 and 3.30pm giving most children plenty of time to get home before dark. As a mother myself I certainly do not wish my children to leave home in darkness each morning.

Steve, York
I hope your survey has some impact and the voting button clearly shows that everyone that has clicked on it wants to keep the lighter nights. We can't keep returning to GMT it makes dark nights and light mornings. Lets have BST in winter +1 hour on GMT and Double BST +2 hours on GMT from March to October. Dark evenings are really naff. I used to work shifts but now have a proper job, Monday to Friday with weekends off and from both points I would rather have daylight until 11pm in the summer months than the current situation where its daylight at 3am and dark by 10pm. Dark evenings are horrible and light mornings a waste, lets fall in line with europe, the farmers who say it makes their working day shorter is rubbish, they work when they want they have lights on their equipment. Let us see the light not the dark.

Bernard, Kempsey
We should retain GMT all throughout the year. It is the world's standard refernce time used in aviation, shipping, science and many other fields. The "time" when people work is a man-made falsehood anyway. Farmers work when it is light and even when it is dark (they have lights on their tractors!)and we do use electricity to lighten our days. People work night shifts, in fact people work throughout the day (and night). We do not live in the dark ages and do not have to be dictated to by a man-made tinme system I experienced the experiment in the late 1960s when BST was retained and as I lived in Scotland at the time, remember watching the sun come up at 10 o'clock in the morning and set approximately 4 hours later. Even adding on an extra hour would not have changed that! Do we really need to alter our concept of time to maintain the falsehood of the 9-5 day. Don't schools in Europe start their day at 7:30 am and finsih at 2:00 pm. Why are we obsessed with this 9-5 attitude towards time. Given that the MP is suggesting a UK free-for-all so that each country adopts their own GMT/BST day then when are we truly going to get harmonisation across Europe! KEEP GMT.

Anthony / Stourbridge
It takes almost six months to change the clocks on the VCR, oven, cental heating system, alarms, car - not to mention our body clocks.


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