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Cypress Gardens, Longlevens, July '07

Cypress Gardens, Longlevens, July '07

Diary: Leia's life

Longlevens single mum Leia Rosenberg had to rebuild her life after her home was flooded, twice, over the summer. Well after almost six months of repairs, she's finally moved back home.

Final diary update: Tuesday 18 December

Well I'm home and it feels great...the builders have done a wonderful job, and I am extremely pleased.

Feels very strange, not at all like Christmas. Its almost as though I am back in June 2007 and am starting to live again...its going to take some getting used to.

Flooding in Longlevens (taken by Mike Parry)

Longlevens in July 2007

Both my children are so pleased to be home and to have their own rooms again, although my daughter did cry a fair bit the first night and she said that it felt very strange. She is ok now though!

I keep being asked about the brook and the weather and friends keep informing me if there is bad weather predicted, but to be honest I really am not interested and no longer watch the weather, nor look at the brook.

I thought that I would be obsessed by it but I have found that the best way of dealing with it is to block it all out.

At the end of the day, if it's going to happen again there is nothing I can do about it, so I see little point in worrying myself over it, and instead I turn a blind eye!

My concerns at the moment are making sure that I can obtain insurance in the future as recent media, plus my own experience, has shown that this may be a very really problem in the spring months when I am due to renew.

I have never wanted to stay in, at home on my own, so much!!!

The whole estate is having a new years eve party this year, which we are very much looking forward to. Having been through so much this year, I can't wait to let my hair down and get into the party spirit!!!

View from Leia's front door the day of the floods

View from Leia's front door (25 June 07)

I do feel ever so sorry for those who are still yet to move home, especially those that are struggling in small caravans. I really do feel for all of you that won't be as lucky as I am to be home yet.

My heart felt thoughts are especially with those that have children and the elderly. On the news a few evenings ago was a report about those living in caravans, it made me cry and also I felt extreme guilt for being home when there are so many that are not!

I hope that everyone that was effected can remain positive and try to enjoy Christmas and the new year...with a fresh new start for us all.

Click on 'Next' below to read Leia's diary updates from July/August 2007.

last updated: 18/12/2007 at 09:04
created: 16/07/2007

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luckily nothing like this has happened to me, but its horrible aswell happening to someone else, i hope your life wont have anymore floods

Russell Midlane
I hope every thing is now sorted and ok with you and your kids. Best wishes, Russell.

Leia Rosenberg
You sad individual...to whoever has put a comment under 'the real leia'...get a life!

i once carelessly left the bath running and when i returned later on after going to the shop i found that my bathroom was flooded. This was a disaster to me and my family and friends because we could not have fun in the bathroom untill it was repaired. there was puddles of water on my carpet and it was infiltrating into the carpet. For the next week i had to use the neihgbours bathroom this was a disaster.

the real leia
You silly old fools. That was just my ghost writer getting all shirty. Personally I love a jolly old jape!! No rain dancing though Guy!!

Alice Joy
Sorry to hear about your house Leia. I like pigs and want one as a pet. It would be terrible if our garden flooded and the pig wasn't even allowed in the house let alone upstairs. We didn't get flooded but a fox got our chickens and I was sad. Poor old Gary Greenhouse too - punches hurt!

George G Anthony
Poor Leia. I got stuck with my dad in a car when everything flooded. I was a bit scared but didnt tell dad. He buyed me chocolate. Some nice people at Malswick Bed & Breakfast let us stay there although they were full

Florence Lily
Whatever next? - pranksters using someone else's name! That poor chap could end up being hated or even battered senseless like poor old Gary Greenhouse, and for what? - something he didn't even say. This is a right rum County and no mistake, I do love Gloucestershire though

Daisy Ella Grace
It's a shame it rained so much last summer. None of this would have happened and we could have spent longer at the seaside

the real Guy Williams
I was somewhat perturbed to learn that upsetting remarks had been made by a prankster using my name here. This is the first time I have made a comment on this thread.Said prankster is usually very funny but has overstepped the mark here. If you'd like to check through other threads such as 'hall of heroes' here you'll see what I mean - I don't think it's possible for one person to possess so many manias or levels of litarary ability, for all the drivelling postings under my name to ring true.I'd like to dissociate myself from the offensive comments made by the prankster using my name, with the exception of describing the anti-Forester jibe as being bigotted (which I agree with).I hope Leia that it's some comfort to know that those comments weren't made seriously, and it probably isn't best to dwell on their callousness.You must have had a very difficult time of it, many sympathies. Have a great Christmas and I hope you find full recovery.

Paul Bennett
What a carry on! So much bickering! My Gran always said that if you can keep a good house you can easily keep a husband - how relevant this is today!We have all been affected by these floods. At the time I was suffering from a very painful nostrils after a burns accident removing nasal hair with a blowtorch. My water was cut off for weeks right when I needed it most. No doubt we'll look back fondly on these difficult times like old folk do with the war.

Leia Rosenberg
I think that those people who have never had to make an insurance claim of this nature really dont understand the whole process. For example....a few people I know have had their homes made into open plan now, which is a home improvement, they have made better use of the space they had and they love it....to many this would seem like an extra, but to the insurance this is a saving as they havent had to pay builders to put walls back up in the places where they were ripped down..Its things like this that people dont realise until they look at the bigger picture and ask the right questions......Many people, those that have been flooded and those that havent, commented on how jealous people seem to be as a result of those being flooded having pretty much everything on the ground floors of their homes as new. I have to say that I am seeing this more and more as time goes on and from that I can only conclude that the negative response people give is down to them thnking we are getting things that we shouldnt be....or that they are missing out on something!I am proud to say that I think my house and the things in it are a million time better than they were before...nothing less than what I deserve! For the first time in my life everything matches as I was able to buy everything at once..this is not an extra just bloody hard work trying to re-build mine and my childrens home all at once...which believe me for a lady that likes to shop...was a very stressful and not a pleasant experience! One that I never ever want to be involved in again.Its a shame that everyone will face a rise in premiums but feel luck if you can get insurance, I could potentially be faced with no contents cover at all....not just for floods, but theft, fire etc...The thought of going out one day and returning home to find someone has been in and stolen my things with no way of ever being able to afford to replace them makes me feel sick...but this could be a real problem for me next year. With all that in mind why do people find it so hard to just feel pleased for others that are getting their homes and lives back together instead of these kind of remarks on here...until you have lived it you will never understand!

gary greenhouse
i'm so sorry if i upset you leia. I clearly wasn't saying you had indulged yourself in claiming a few 'extras' from the insurance merely that it has been going on. Some people will and have been guilty of over claiming. Enough said. By the way, me getting punched at a bowser is not a laughing matter. A woman and what appeared to be her girlfriend set upon me simply because I was community spirited enough to ask these 'ladies' not to be greedy with the water as I didn't think they were from our area.

michael fish
i blame the weather. merry christmas everyone!!

Mary Trotter
A very merry Christmas to Leia and all the other victims. Let's hope the rain keeps off!!

Leia Rosenberg
Which part of this makes some of you think that we are getting 'free' renovations???? The fact that I have paid continuous premiums for the past decade or so, and I have insurance that pays old for new cover...whats free about that??? Its no different than if my home had been broken into and someone stolen all my furniture...I would have had all of that replaced old for new...but then again I suppose that would all be 'free' replacements!As for lapping up publicity...you are right I am loving it.....Get a life Gary Greenhouse....If you really think that then most of you nasty people are even more pathetic than I originally thought!Send round the police...I have clearly committeed fraud for having all my walls and doors put back in exactly the same place as they were before they were torn down!!And Gary....its lucky everybody on this planet is not the same..if there were any more of you and our lovely friend guy on here it would be a terribly horrible place to live.....maybe you should both ask questions and discover facts about individuals and their lives before making nasty little comments!By the way Gary....by the sounds of it they didnt punch you hard enough...if you went to collect water with the same kind of attitude that you have on here, then you probably deserved it.....All in all...I am deeply upset by some of these comments...why do some people have to be like this.... ?

Leia Rosenberg
Just a quick comment to all those that feel that they should tell us all to stop 'harping on' -When you, yourselves, have been a victim of the floods, and have stood there watching water pour through your doors, up through the floor and pour out of the toilet and kitchen sink...and it has literally washed everything away that you have spent your lives working hard for and everything you own destroyed..then please feel free to comment....every body is entitled to there opinion....but can really pass comment when you have not experienced it for yourselves???I think not!!I do feel desperately sorry for those of you that have to be negative about us 'whining' on....clearly you have nothing else better to do in your lives than 'moan' about other peoples hardship!!I hope, for your sakes, that you are never victims of a disaster (of any description)as I would hate for you to have to experience the lack of compassion that I, and others, appear to be receiving from a small minority of you!Oh, another thing...I am not after a compensation payout...just flood defence...and something put in place so that future homes are not build on flood plains...that would then prevent further whining!!I would like to wish everyone and very merry christmas and an even better new year.....to those that are not yet home...keep your chin up - I am thinking of you!

gary greenhouse
Guy Williams has hit the nail on the head. We were all victims of the flood to varying degrees. I even got punched at a bowser. The point is there are certain people who whinge and moan and others that just get on with it. Some people lap up publicity which to me is a sign of self pity. Many people have indeed taken full advantage and had free renovations with a few home improvements chucked in for good measure. These people need locking up. Fraud I call it. Everyone will face a 10% hike in policy premium even if they weren't daft enough to buy a house on a flood plain.

Graham Ponting
I've heard a few flood victims say that they are now suffering from a fear of rain. Sounds bonkers but it must be true as there are so many people saying that they become nervous during inclement weather. I feel very sorry for the victims. Perhaps a compensation payout from the government would be a good idea. Nothing like hard cash to soothe the pain.

guy williams
How dare you make such remarks about the (Royal)Forest of Dean Simon Jones. Far from being way off the mark my comments regarding the Indian floods are very relevant seeing as we are in reality a global nation. I think Simon that you are a narrow minded bigot.

Simon Jones
Guy williams. It was all very nice for you lot in the forest who it did not effect. Get your head screwed on straight before you comment like that on people who you dont even know. I have freinds in cypress gardens and what they have been through was hell. Your comments regarding people in india are way off the mark to. In terms of aid from other countries did we see any i think not.Typical forest opinion self centered little world.

Paul Bennett
Floods are good for business, mine especially, so I wish you'd all stop harping on and dry up - pun intended - while I clean up, quite literally.

I was at school when the rain started. My bus didn't come, so I was waiting for ages in the pouring rain and in the end I had to go to the vets next door to my bus stop to use the phone there. My friend's Mum couldn't get to her, so she had to stay for two days and nights at her friend's house.

Leia Rosenberg
Thanks for your 'wonderful' comment Guy Williams.FREE RENOVATIONS!!!! I would give anything to have mine and my childrens home back the way it was..and not have gone through the heart ache that I am currently living at the moment, and the fear that myself and my eldest child now has of the rain!Maybe, before you start put your nasty little comments on here you should check some facts out. Not ONE person on our estate was informed in our solicitors searches etc, when we purchased these properties, that we were on a flood plain. Infact, we have since found out that when we did by these properties 4.5 years ago we were NOT classed as a flood plain. We are not whinging on..and as someone who has worked in 3rd world countries I am fully aware of whAt they have to put up with!! If you dont like hearing people 'whinging' on about their homes and the floods, can I please suggest that you dont read my diary, as it clearly is not for you!!!!By the way...I deserve to have a fantastic home after all this. I have not once made a claim on my insuance ever...since I left home 12 years ago. I probably will not be able to get insurance again, and if I do my premiums will be extremely high. And mentally I will always pay for this. NOTHING in this life is for free!!!!

my house got flooded so badley i had to move into my nans house and sleep on the floor

Margaret Church
Had a sewerage flood to our home July 21 2007, lost everything downstairs and outside, ktchen, bathroom riped out, all crockery, dishes etc had to go, living in a B&B for 10 weeks and another six to go. Nightmare, please get in touch. Thanks

Margaret Church
My husband & I experienced a sewerage flood to our home on 21 July, we have lost all carpets, all furniture downstairs (3 rooms), bathroom, kitchen needs to be pulled out, all crockery, kitchen utensils and cutlery, shed contaminated, all garden furniture and garden, we have been in a B&B for six weeks and possibly another 6-8 weks. Builders have started work this week, we are 58 years and have been of work with stress, have found it extremely difficult and would like to correspond with others in a similiar position or be able to offer help to someone experiencing loss of possesions and home.

guy williams, forest of dean
I think it's high time we all stopped feeling sorry for ourselves and got on with things. In China and India they really know how to suffer . Despite high death tolls in their floods you don't get them whinging on the radio or wining on the internet. I do feel sorry for this single parent but you have to ask the question do you buy a house on a flood plain for insurance scams and any future publicity. I hear little gratitude for the free home renovations which will be her ultimate reward. Anyone agree??

Another site that is worth a look is: www.longlevens-flooded.co.uk I helped a friend tidy up after the flood. As I said to my wife: "I've just helped them empty their life into a bin lorry". That was distressing enough - and I wasn't the one who was flooded.

This is almost apocalyptic and like nothing I have witnessed anywhere before. I was out on the Cheltenham Road on Friday and could not believe what I saw. I hear there may be more really heavy rain on the way for Sunday, lets just hope it really really does not happen for a third time.

Where is Parmjit Dhanda the local MP? The Tewkesbury MP has been on local media many, many times and giving support to his constituents. I have heard precisely nothing from Mr Dhanda and only seen him when he is hovering at Gordon Brown's shoulder for a TV photo opportunity. Perhaps he should be on the streets in his constituency seeing what people need rather than skulking in his office in Westminster.

Leia's mum
Perhaps "Raher Not Say" should take some spelling lessons before they send in any more unnecessary comments!!!

It would be worth checking out if the 'new' pumping station was properly working before the second flood - one person I spoke to claimed it wasn't working, or even if the works to alter the drainage had an effect.As for your boss is he at C&G ? If so they should be ashamed.

I can't believe how mean spirited of your boss it was to not pay you when the flood first happened.I would not dream of treating an employee like this, you are too good for them, chin up!!

Raher Not Say
Could not of happened to a Nicer Person!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel VERY sorry for everyone effected by the floods. I cant imagine the upset people must be going through. Lost posessions, coping with day to day survival. Do you remember the childrens nursery rhyme - Dr Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain, he steped into a puddle right up to his middle and never went there again. How long ago was that rhyme written .. had global warming started then?

Like i said last night,I have no cofidence in any political party to be able to sort out,this sort of mess.Today,its announced that floodplains are to still be used for new developments!the people who make descisions like this, shouldn't be allowed to be alone in a room with sharp objects. IT'S INSANE

hiya my street was indeed flushed away by the big flood my school playground was underwater I've never seen my place like this before it is terrible!

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