Plant list: Spring-flowering bulbs

A sure sign that spring is on the way is when these cheery little chaps begin to do their thing. To get a good display plant bulbs the autumn before and don’t cut off their leaves when they’ve finished flowering.
Latin name: | | Galanthus nivalis |
Common name: | | Common snowdrop |
Type of plant: | | Bulb |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | White |
Leaf colour: | | Grey-green |
Height and spread: | | 10cm to 15cm x 5cm to 7.5cm (4in to 6in x 2in to 3in) |
Description: | |  An elegant plant that signals the beginning of the end of winter. Snowdrops have very attractive nodding flowers and make a great impression when planted in large drifts in the lawn or under trees.
Latin name: | | Tulipa |
Common name: | | Tulip |
Type of plant: | | Bulb |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | White to orange, red and purple |
Leaf colour: | | Grey-green |
Height and spread: | | 15cm x 10cm (6in x 4in) |
Description: | |  Technically a corm, rather than a bulb that produces a single wineglass-shaped flower. Tulips are available in a wide range of different colours. Flowers tend to flop when beginning to get past their best.
Latin name: | | Narcissus |
Common name: | | Daffodil |
Type of plant: | | Bulb |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | White, yellow and orange |
Leaf colour: | | Green |
Height and spread: | | 10cm to 42cm x 10cm to 20cm (4in to 1.4ft x 4in to 8in) |
Description: | |  An early blooming bulb with a solitary nodding flower or cluster of flowers. Daffodils look wonderful naturalised in lawns, but remember to feed and don’t mow off the leaves. Enjoys direct sun but will survive partial shade.
Latin name: | | Crocus |
Common name: | | Crocus |
Type of plant: | | Bulb |
Hardiness: | | Hardy to frost hardy |
Flower colour: | | White, yellow and purple |
Leaf colour: | | Dark green, with a white stripe |
Height and spread: | | 15cm x 7.5cm (6in x 3in) |
Description: | |  Grown for their cheery looking, goblet-shaped flowers. Crocus look fantastic grown in beds, lawns or containers. The spice saffron comes from an autumn-flowering crocus. Most prefer a sunny spot.
Latin name: | | Hyacinthus |
Common name: | | Hyacinth |
Type of plant: | | Bulb |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | White, pink, blue and yellow |
Leaf colour: | | Glossy green |
Height and spread: | | 20cm to 30cm x 7.5cm to 10cm (8in to 1ft x 3in to 4in) |
Description: | |  Clump-forming bulbs. A flowering spike bearing lots of small, waxy, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers is born above the semi-erect, wide leaves. Effective when planted in large groups, it makes a great indoor bulb.