Changes to the Contingent Workforce Team Service Desk

Updated: 8 July 2024

What’s changing:


As part of the transition to our new business process outsource provider, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the below will change:

• A new payroll service desk and payslip portal will be in place from W/C 8th July.

• All general queries including any questions relating to the Freelance Payment Portal or pay will be managed by a new TCS Contingent Workforce service desk.

What’s not changing:

• The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Contingent Workforce team will continue to be your points of contact for queries relating to employment or tax status, contractual terms, or policy.

• How you are booked, receive your contract and the systems you use. Both the Freelance Payment Portal and myDevelopment (training) remain the same as they are today.

You’ll also find the most up to date information .

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