Bond... Almost Bond

Though five actors have taken on the role of Ian Fleming's death-proof super-spy, many more have tried to fill the legendary tuxedo with the requisite charm, sexiness, and danger - and failed! Here are some of the more notable wannabes who got shaken and stirred...

Neill... Sam Neill

Though hotly favoured by Bond director John Glen to succeed Roger Moore, Bond head honcho Cubby Broccoli decided that the suave Kiwi didn't quite cut it. Watching his screen test (available on "The Living Daylights" DVD), it's clear that Neill had Bond's ladykilling skills down pat.

Brolin... James Brolin

A veteran US TV actor, Brolin was lined up by Broccoli to replace Roger Moore in "Octopussy", then engaged in his customary pay negotiations. Allegedly, Brolin was waiting in a London hotel all set to go when he was notified that Rog had scored his cash hike. Ouch! He's now married to diva Barbra Streisand. Judge for yourself whether that's good compensation.

Gambon... Michael Gambon

You wouldn't think it, but the respected actor unofficially (and unknowingly) auditioned for the tuxedo in 1970 - and no one was more surprised than Gambon himself! The thoroughly bemused actor pointed out his own faults: baldness, teeth "like a horse's", and - the clincher - "tits like a woman" to Bond producer Cubby Broccoli. The Cubster calmly replied, "So did Sean!"

Gavin... John Gavin

An actor who could rival Roger Moore for (lack of) facial expressions, Gavin (best known for playing Sam Loomis in "Psycho") actually signed up to play Bond in "Diamonds are Forever". United Artists was so underwhelmed, however, that it offered Sean Connery a staggering 12.5% of the box office to return for a sixth time. Gavin later swapped acting for politics, becoming Ronald Reagan's US ambassador in Mexico.

West... Adam West

Holy Walther! In 1968, the frenzied worldwide search for a new Bond for "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" included none other than TV's Batman. "I have to admit I was tempted," West said in later years. "But the big problem, as I saw it, was that I wasn't British. I still think I did the right thing, especially when you consider how Australian George Lazenby got roasted for his one stab at the part."

Brosnan... Pierce Brosnan?

Yes, indeedy... the best Bond since Connery was in fact the front runner to replace Roger Moore back in 1986. However, Brosnan was scuppered at the 11th hour, when he became tied to his contract for TV series Remington Steele, therefore leaving 007 to be played by RSC alumnus Timothy Dalton. Upon hearing the news, Brosnan allegedly drove to a secluded beach and screamed in frustration. Watch his superlative screen test on "The Living Daylights" DVD and see the potential we'd eventually get in 1995.