Ewan McGregor

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Interviewed by Rachel Vigeon

Is it easier coping with all the fans and the attention second time around?

There's precious little of it, to tell you the truth. You get a lot of Star Wars stuff that you sign which becomes quite valuable to some people so mainly that's all you have to deal with. What's lovely about it is kids. Kids come up to me now having seen my work and they have questions like, "did you really cut Darth Maul in half?", and I love that.

How happy are you with this film?

I'm really happy with it. I mean, I was happy with "Episode I". I just think we had a lot of work to do. We had a lot of plot to set up; the idea of the Senate and the idea of the Jedi Order were relatively unexplained in the first three. So we had an awful lot of groundwork to do to set up six movies. But we've done that now and I think this one just kicks off. It's very reminiscent of "The Empire Strikes Back" in its pace and the plot. It's great. And the effects! They've even come on since "The Phantom Menace" like you can't believe.

Is there a good story in this episode for Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Yeah. I get quite a nice, tasty story. First of all I'm in charge now of Anakin so you've got to be happy with that! I get sent off to find something out. And I get my own spaceship and I kick some ass on the way!

And Yoda?

Yoda is amazing in this. It was in the script that he takes on this dark lord at the end and kicks him and wins and I was on set thinking, "who's ever going to believe that?" But then you see him go and he's quite the swordsman, Yoda. They always said he was and now we see that in fact he is.

What's your favorite moment in the film?

I love the chase. There's a fantastic chase at the beginning that really has you weaving in your chair in the cinema.