Wes Anderson

The Royal Tenebaums

Interviewed by Alisa Pomeroy

What was the inspiration for "The Royal Tenenbaums"?

I wanted to make a New York film. I am from Texas, but there were so many New York movies and novels which were among my favourites and I didn't have an accurate idea of what New York was like. I wanted to create an exaggerated version of that imaginary New York. I also had in mind doing something about a family of geniuses, about their failure and development.

Is it significant that some of the cast grew up in celebrity families?

Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelica Huston's families are real achievers and fame is an issue for their whole family. Hackman, I didn’t know much about his background, but after we finished the movie I saw this documentary which he did whilst we were filming. He talks about his father and it seemed to relate to what he was playing in the movie. His father left his family when he was 13 and he described this moment of his father driving down the street. Hackman was playing and his father sort of waved from the window but didn’t stop. This was the last time he saw him in ten years.

What about your working relationship with Owen Wilson?

We were at school together in Austin. We exchanged short stories and started writing the script together for "Bottle Rocket". But I feel the best part of our collaboration is working with him on set as an actor.

How did you find directing the different cast members?

In the case of Gwyneth Paltrow, she really came in with her take on the character. She’s very eager to hear any direction that you have, in my experience she never questions it. In the case of Ben Stiller, he really wants to ask lots of questions and try lots of different things and really gauge it. Whereas Gene Hackman, he doesn’t want to talk about anything if he can avoid it. He’d rather not be directed at all.