Katharine Isabelle

Ginger Snaps DVD

Interviewed by Almar Haflidason

Was it good therapy playing a character like Ginger?

Oh yeah, Ginger is an exaggeration of my bad side. I even have a pony called Ginger, and she's a total cow. You don't get the chance to rage like that very often.

There's great chemistry between you and your screen sister, Emily Perkins.

We knew the first time we read the full script that we had to do this because Ginger and Brigitte are very close to what we're really like! Emily and I have known each other for a long time. We're in the same agency, we were born in the same hospital, went to the same pre-school, and the same elementary school, but she's five years older than me.

Was it tiring playing such an angry character?

It was exhausting because we were working 18 to 20 hour days, six days a week, and a lot of it outdoors. Every scene seemed to be screaming and yelling, and very physical. It's not very glamorous when it's three in the morning and you're soaking wet, covered in blood, and being dragged along the forest floor by your ankles by two grips running as fast as they can.

Was it a problem getting rid of all the fake blood?

Well, I would go home at night with blood encrusted in my ears, my eyes, and around my nose. I'd be standing in a shop asking for Tylenol and people would look at me with an expression of "We can't help you... I think you need to go to the hospital".

Jamie Lee Curtis always stands up for "Halloween". Will you do the same for "Ginger Snaps" in 20 years' time?

Probably. I think it falls into a category of its own. I don't think it's as clichΓ©d and by the book as a normal horror film, so yes, I will be defending it.