Paul Walker

"The Fast and the Furious"

Interviewed by James Mottram

Rob Cohen has called you the new Steve McQueen. How does that feel?

Well, Steve McQueen is the king of cool. If I were to be dubbed after anyone he would definitely be up there. I grew up with Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson.

He also refers to you as a leopard compared to Vin Diesel's bear for your roles in "The Fast and the Furious".

I like that too! Pound for pound, the leopard is the strongest cat in the world. He says that I move like a cat. It started when we were filming, because there are a few scenes where I have to scale a building, and drop down into a skylight.

You also worked with Rob on "The Skulls".

Yes, we've established a short-hand. No longer does he need to come up to me and give me a long explanation. Now it's just a look, or a nod. I know exactly what he wants and that's really nice. I still feel like I'm a rookie, but I like Rob's style of direction. He doesn't shout, he'll come up and put his arm around you.

Do you drive yourself?

Yeah. I realised how little I knew on set. I've always wanted to race cars, ever since I was a young boy, as I think a lot of guys have. I always said "If ever there was a time in my life when I could afford to buy a car, I would start racing." So this film served that purpose. I made great connections. I had some of the best technical advisors in the world working on this project. By the end of it I knew exactly what car I wanted. I had it fixed up and I'm racing it now.