Episode II: I've Got A Tragic Feeling About This!

Judging by the deafening choruses of derision and disapproval surrounding George Lucas' chosen title, "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones", it couldn't have been more badly received if it had been named "Yet More Mass Marketing". Why, even Obi-Wan himself, Ewan McGregor, deemed it "terrible".

However, fans should not get ahead of themselves: a pulpy title alone does not signal impending creative disaster. "The Empire Strikes Back" was an equally pulpy moniker, and that film is undoubtedly "Star Wars" ' dramatic zenith, matching rip-roaring adventure with a supremely dark edge. The bottom line is: the title isn’t tragic, but "Episode II" should be.

With only two films to go, Lucas must address all manner of dramas, all rife with the potential for full-on baroque tragedy - the Clone Wars, the Jedi getting slaughtered, Anakin's temptation to the Dark Side, his fight with Obi-Wan, the emergence of Darth Vader, the rise of the Empire, and Yoda and Obi-Wan forced into exile - to name but a few.

Not a lot of space for the likes of humorous aliens aimed at toy sales or the ready-made computer-game action sequences crudely shoehorned into "The Phantom Menace". But what a film!

Lucas has often claimed that "Star Wars" ' phenomenal success "bought his freedom from the machine", adding his expectation that the forthcoming films will be the least commercial of them all.

"Star Wars" is massively profitable no matter what - all the more reason to focus on the story. Not only will the resulting struggles of Luke and company be more rewarding, but Lucas will claw back critical respect.

Face it, this one has got to end on a tremendous downer and you want it that way. Go on, George, feel the dark side flowing through you.

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