Reviewer's Rating 3 out of 5 Ìý User Rating 2 out of 5
The Presidio DVD (1988)

Sean Connery gruffs up as Lieutenant Colonel Caldwell in a stodgy, if watchable, 80s thriller. Directed by Peter Hyams, it's well shot and looks good on DVD.

The widescreen transfer is, surprisingly for a Paramount disc, not anamorphic (a process, which carries extra coding to create a more detailed picture on a widescreen TV). Despite this, it remains fresh and relatively free of any distracting grain.

The new 5.1 sound mix is a top-class effort that does a lot to add extra excitement. Hyams is always good at creating quality action set-pieces and this movie has its fair share. Two car chases, with one taking full advantage of the San Francisco settings, and a climactic shoot-out are beefed-up by a busy barrage of effects.

Extra-features-wise there's only the original trailer, but fans of the movie should be pleased with the 5.1 sound mix.

Chapters: 16
Ratio: 2.35:1
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Extra Features: Scene selection, trailer, multiple languages, subtitles, English for the hearing impaired.

End Credits

Director: Peter Hyams

Writer: Larry Ferguson

Stars: Sean Connery, Mark Harmon, Meg Ryan, Jack Warden

Genre: Thriller

Length: 95 minutes

Cinema: 1988

DVD: 22 January 2001

Country: USA