Proms 2024
3 Aug 1945, Royal Albert Hall
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19:00 Fri 3 Aug 1945 Next Event

Proms 1945 Prom 12

Prom 12
19:00 Fri 3 Aug 1945 Royal Albert Hall


      • Overture 'Leonore' No. 1, Op 138
      • Concert aria ‘Ah! perfido’- According to a slip enclosed in the printed programme Laelia Finneberg was a short notice replacement for the indisposed Joan Hammond, but the 1945 pre-season Prospectus already listed Laelia Finneberg.
      • Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat major
      • Symphony No. 5 in C minor
      • Overture 'Amor und Psyche'First performance in England
      • Tamara


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Proms 1945