ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Symphony Orchestra
7 Cèit 2023, Barbican, London

ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Symphony Orchestra & Chorus 2022-23 Season Total Immersion: Oramo conducts Kaija Saariaho

ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Symphony Orchestra
Total Immersion: Oramo conducts Kaija Saariaho
19:30 DiD 7 Cèit 2023 Barbican, London
Light becomes sound; poetry becomes music and words create worlds. Sakari Oramo crowns a day of total immersion in the music of Kaija Saariaho with a sumptuous orchestral celebration.
Light becomes sound; poetry becomes music and words create worlds. Sakari Oramo crowns a day of total immersion in the music of Kaija Saariaho with a sumptuous orchestral celebration.




About This Event

β€œAll day and night, music…” The ancient Persian poetry that inspired Kaija Saariaho’s Circle Map, a hybrid painting of Persian script and musical notation with Jean-Baptiste BarriΓ¨re's video work projected on screen, could serve as a motto for this Total Immersion day. Sakari Oramo conducts the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Symphony Orchestra in four orchestral works dating from 1989 to 2020 – including the UK premiere of the orchestral Saarikoski Songs, performed by their dedicatee soprano Anu Komsi.

"It's always the inner space that interests me" says Saariaho, but when her creative imagination ignites, the human mind can accommodate the entire cosmos. From the ravishing cello concerto Notes on Light to the early landmark Du Cristal, this is music that uses every colour on the spectrum, and invents some new ones too – a spectacular conclusion to this day of total immersion in her expanding sonic universe.

This day of events will now take place on Sunday 7 May, previously scheduled for Saturday 6 May, in respect of His Majesty King Charles III's Coronation.