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british history

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Messages: 1 - 21 of 21
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Friday, 2nd March 2007

    at what point did the people on the island of britan decide that it was three countrys instead of one as this is cheating,in the world cup britan enters three countrys instead of one while most other countrys enter one,ireland does not count as because of british invasion of ireland and milatary rule we have two in north ireland and south ireland.

    history will show in the future when we have got the british out of ireland that devide and conquer tatics employed by the british has not worked but it has worked well in britan with three countrys in one.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by TonyG (U1830405) on Friday, 2nd March 2007

    The three nations evolved out of a much more complicated past. Pre-Roman invasion, there would have been dozens of tribes, each regarding themselves as a separate people. In Anglo-Saxon times, there were seven "kingdoms" in what is now England. It was only when Athelstan came to power that the concept of "England" really began to take hold. Scotland was not unified until the 10th or 11th century either, with Scots, Picts and Norse all controlling different parts of the country..

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Anglo-socks-on (U7131496) on Friday, 2nd March 2007

    I would have said the concept of an England was Alfred's , finally made real by Athelstan.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Richie (U1238064) on Friday, 2nd March 2007

    this is cheating,in the world cup britan enters three countrys instead of one

    Think you might want to check on this first. The three FA's are seperate of each other, were formed seperatly and joined FIFA seperetly. They were some of the earliest memebers of FIFA. You will notice that there is no British Football team in the Olympics for this very reason. We also have seperate rugby teams as well, I suppose thats cheating as well (I try to ignore the B&IL's after the last tour, lol)

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Vizzer aka U_numbers (U2011621) on Saturday, 3rd March 2007

    history will show in the future when we have got the british out of ireland that devide and conquer tatics employed by the british has not worked but it has worked well in britan with three countrys in one.Ìý

    smiley - doh So the evil Brits even employ 'divide and conquer tactics' against themselves?

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Saturday, 3rd March 2007

    yes they do as it helps to keep england top and wales and scotland under them.

    you had an english government overseeing the whole island.

    now how would you like it if italy had two football teams and germany had two as well.

    when the east germans joined the west germans they formed one football team why cannot britan do the same.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Anglo-socks-on (U7131496) on Saturday, 3rd March 2007

    Silly argument.A british team would not be so different from an English team( +Giggs) but if Germany Or Italy were fragmented their individual teams would probably be weaker. Bring it on.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Richie (U1238064) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    1) What on earth are you badgering on about TGBU? How on earth does having four seperate FA's lead to England dominating the other three?

    2) THink you will find that it is a British Parliament with a British Government (though many Englishmen complain that at the moment it is dominated by Scots)

    3) If Italy or Germany had two or more FA's then I wouldn't have a problem. Maybe we will be seeing Bravaria or Prussia or Brandenburg maybe, Tuscany or the Venician Republic appearing on the footballing stage sometime soon? Will help make it far easier for Wales to qualify so no complaints from me on that score.

    4) Why can't we unify the four FA's? Perhaps because we don't want to. Germany is a very specific example to use. Re-unification was very important, therefore to have two teams would make a mockery of German Re-Unification, that is not the case here in Britain. There is no particular need to unify the FA's, the logistics of combining all the football leagues and divisions would be an enmourmous task. Where would you place the 10 teams of the Scotish Premership? Do you make the British Premership 30 teams strong? Or do you attempt football political suicide by relegating teams before they've kicked a ball, where do you place the IRish and Welsh Premier teams, teams who would have difficulty playing in the Doc-Martyns League, on paper they would have as much right to be in the British Premership as Celtic, so that means we have a top division of 50 plus teams, so no, please forgive this poor Welshman when he says that the present structure serves the needs and best interests of British Football quite well.

    Also that Wales are the best supported travelling team in Europe smiley - smiley Have been on tour myself before now, that would be taken away by a British Team

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Vizzer aka U_numbers (U2011621) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    yes they do as it helps to keep england top and wales and scotland under them.Ìý

    Exactly how is 'England top' and how are 'Wales and Scotland under'?

    you had an english government overseeing the whole island.Ìý

    When was that?

    now how would you like it if italy had two football teams and germany had two as well.Ìý

    Wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

    when the east germans joined the west germans they formed one football team why cannot britan do the same.Ìý

    Maybe because they don't want to. I'm an England fan and wouldn't support an all-UK team in any sport. I know that many Scottish, Welsh and Irish fans feel the same way.

    While Britain fields 3 national teams in sports - the UK fields no fewer than 10:

    British Virgin Islands
    Cayman Islands
    Northern Ireland
    Turks & Caicos Islands

    This number could be higher still if the Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey and Gibraltar etc were permitted to field international sides. In soccer, for example, Gibraltar, is currently applying for full UEFA and FIFA membership.

    Neither is the UK unique in being represented by more than 1 team. Here is a list of other countries which also have several international sides:

    USA (5 teams):

    American Samoa
    American Virgin Islands
    Puerto Rico

    China (3 teams):

    Hong Kong
    (4 teams if Taiwan is included)

    Netherlands (3 teams):

    Netherlands Antilles

    France (3 teams):

    New Caledonia

    Denmark (2 teams):

    Faroe Islands

    Historically the Habsburg Empire also fielded separate national teams for its different constituent countries such as Hungary, Bohemia and Austria.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    the point i am trying to make is it fair that you have three teams from the same island as thats what britan is an island,while others have only one how would you like it if ireland fielded four teams in ulster leinster munster and connacht and said it is fair.

    also very good post ritchie and vizzer,but also whats stopping italy doing it or others.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Richie (U1238064) on Sunday, 4th March 2007


    You seem to be opperating under the illusion that we have some sort of problems with representation. If the IFA decided to disband and reform as four seperate football associations then no one in the UK would bat an eyelid. Ditto for Italian football, German, French indeed for any nation.

    The point we have made is that there is nothing unfair about Wales Scotland and England having football teams. They are three different nations on this one island, so there are three seperate football and rugby teams, in the commonwealth games the four home nations operate under seperate identities. Now if there was only one nation on Britain then I can see why you would have one team, but since there are three here on the mainland then I fail to see what point you are trying to acheieve

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    you have three different nations on the one island who say they are all seperate when you are the same country,

    wales is ruled by english people just ask prince charles

    why do you only have one prime minister for three different nation.

    why in your national anthem does it say rebelious scots we crush,

    three nations ruled by an english queen,

    is it me like or are these people having you on.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Richie (U1238064) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    We are all united under one crown. Clue is in the title United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nortern Ireland. The union is made up of three nations, England-Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.

    Wales is ruled by the Welsh People. We have our own government in Cardiff as well as representation in the central Government

    We have one British PM, but Wales has a First Minister as does NI, Scotland has a Primeminister

    We don't sing the second verse, plus on the grounds of national anthems we are in a bit of an ambiguos territory. IIRC QSTK/Q was only adopted as the British anthem just before or during the FWW, prior to that we had no "British" anthem, and today QSTQ is a hot poltical potatoe as Wales and Scotland both have their own anthems (SCotland having two, Flower and Scot the Brave)

    Technically she is German, with a large dollop of Scotish blood. William will be the first monarch on the throne for quite some time with a large degree of English blood in his veins.

    However, the multi-ethnic monarchy is actually of benefit really in a multi0ethnic nation

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Vizzer aka U_numbers (U2011621) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    why in your national anthem does it say rebelious scots we crushÌý

    If the reference here is to 'God Save The Queen' then firstly it must be pointed out that this is a Royal Anthem and not a National Anthem. For a republican like me this is an important distinction.

    why in your national anthem does it say rebelious scots we crushÌý

    This particular verse, number 6?, (and there are many variations to the song and many differing verses) was written during the Jacobite civil war in 1745-6:

    'Lord grant that Marshal Wade
    May by thy mighty aid
    Victory bring.
    May he sedition hush,
    And like a torrent rush,
    Rebellious Scots to crush.
    God save the Queen!'

    Six important points about this which need to be appreciated are:

    a) the political context during which it was written (i.e. civil war)

    b) it refers to 'rebellious Scots' not to all Scots.

    c) this particular verse has not been used for generations (because of the obvious possible misunderstanding)

    d) General Wade was an Irishman.

    e) Survey after survey has shown that 99.99% of the UK population only know that first verse.

    f) Only 1 verse is normally played at public events.

    three nations ruled by an english queenÌý

    As Richie has pointed out the Queen's blood is predominantly German and Scottish. Being an English republican I don't hold her ethnic heritage against her. In fact that would be offensive. My republicanism is based on reason.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Dai Bath (U2444609) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    The three nations evolved out of a much more complicated past. Pre-Roman invasion, there would have been dozens of tribes, each regarding themselves as a separate people. In Anglo-Saxon times, there were seven "kingdoms" in what is now England. It was only when Athelstan came to power that the concept of "England" really began to take hold. Scotland was not unified until the 10th or 11th century either, with Scots, Picts and Norse all controlling different parts of the country..Ìý

    Certainly more than twenty in Britain; there are plenty of tribal maps on the net, with all their names. They may have merged quite easily if their numbers were low, or on account of a marriage.

    Rhodri Mawr of Wales was a king of about three tribesm whereas his grandson Hywel Dda is constantly claimed by all knowledgeable Welsh speaking Welsh to be the only one who was ever king of the whole of Wales. HE knew that the future of Wales and Welsh culture lay in competitive friendship with England at all times.

    He Signed city Charters all through England in the C10th. The Hywell dynasty which lasted 130 years was succeeded by Llewellyn, the last of whom was
    Owyn Glyndwyr, who is being celebrated this year by that family in some way. Their dynasty lasted for 170 years, but they were (contrary to common English monarchy opinion) NEVER kings of the whole of Wales.

    That is Wales!

    My ancestors were Demetae of West Wales.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Dai Bath (U2444609) on Sunday, 4th March 2007

    At the time of Hywell Dda, who is remembered for writing a book called "Law" there were three other books of Law, (in what is known as England and Wales today)which may bear some significance in the creation of nation states of those days.

    There was Offa's book of Law (completely lost)
    Aethelfryd of Kent
    Alfred of Wessex
    Howell of Wales

    The last three resemble each other as books of Law,but then they probably resembled those of Islamic Kingdoms of Spain of the time too.

    It was Kingship which determined statehood and things like trials of strength WERE important,
    badly mythologised in Mallory's Works of the C19th.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by TonyG (U1830405) on Monday, 5th March 2007

    Yugoslavia used to have one football team, ao did Czechoslovakia and the USSR. When these countries split into smaller nations, each of the new nations formed their own FA and had their own national team. it is as much about politics as anything else.

    And I don't see how having three British teams is cheating at all. If anything, a larger nation has a larger pool of players and, theoretically, a stronger team. Unless Sven Goran Eriksson or Berti Vogts are in charge, in which case it doesn't matter how many players you have to choose from, they will still all play as individuals, probably in a position they are totally unused to in club football.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Jay walker (U685047) on Tuesday, 6th March 2007

    If you think that an Island should be one country,where does that leave the Scots and the Welsh ? If you don't ,stop wingeing about a united Ireland which will come when both parts vote for it.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Dai Bath (U2444609) on Tuesday, 6th March 2007

    a united Ireland which will come when Ìý

    The good Friday agreements are such that Ireland is one of the few countries in the world ruled by TWO
    sovereign legislatures.... the Dail and Westminster.

    There are two Grand councils which meet at different times of the year; one of ALL Ireland, and one of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

    The Achievement of one Senator Mitchell of the USA

    So it IS a united Ireland.... and it is NOT.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Tuesday, 6th March 2007

    confused dont be just tune into next weeks good excuse for the state of britan.

    interesting post though

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Anglo-socks-on (U7131496) on Thursday, 8th March 2007

    I believe that the reason there are Welsh ,Scotish and English teams.Is that the rules to the modern game were first set down in England.I do not claim that England invented the game, only set it to rules. There are probably many games around the world like football.As the game became very popular in England ,leagues forming etc. it needed to be set to rules.A national team was eventually formed but who to play.I think Scotland formed the next team and the Scotland V England game is the oldest international .Wales then followed. As these teams were formed so early on in the history of international football, they stayed. I don't think anyone could have envisaged its populariy now.

    Report message21

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