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the mummies and cocaine

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Messages: 1 - 14 of 14
  • Message 1.Μύ

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Tuesday, 14th February 2006

    now that several mummies have been found in the valley of the kings they will hopefully solve a big riddle for us.

    the existence of cocaine and tobaco in eygpt as when i was found before they said it could have come from the gloves of victorians who handled the bodys there is no chance of that happening now

    .if the substances are found then it will prove that the altipelico in boliva is atlantis and proof postive at that.as that was the only place where gold copper and tobaco and cocaine could only come from.boliva is atlantis. loads of replys please

    i posted a thread before about this under the name genius bear hug and got a lot of replys,i changed my name because i got into a row with a woman on the lifestyle boards and she had me modded after she complained about 47 of my posts.

    yours anthony

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by The_Knostic_One (U3234193) on Tuesday, 14th February 2006

    Hi Anthony,
    Ive read and re-read your post several times, first i'd like to say that i'll assume your first language is NOT english as your grammer is not as good as it could be.
    Ok with that said your other claims are also RUBBISH at best and at worst just plain crazy, first off these new mummies we dont know if they contain any of the substances you mention ie Cocaine etc, so theres your first point blasted out of the water. Your mention of tobaco and cocaine is very simply explained TRADE ROUTES this fact has been proven many years ago!, a little research on the web will easily confirm this for you.
    Your next point and i quote "if the substances are found then it will prove that the altipelico in boliva is atlantis" and your reason for this quote seems to be and i quote again "as that was the only place where gold copper and tobaco and cocaine could only come from.boliva is atlantis" again RUBBISH infact no wait im sorry ABSOLUTE RUBBISH, gold was readily mined all over the continents of africa and asia including the arab regions as was copper, i admit you have me on the cocaine and the tobaco but again this is due to that little thing called trade routes!. So were is your proof of atlantis, you seem to dream of this mythical idealogical society and place called atlantis, and i must add if you read a little bit more of the myth of atlantis you will discover its true meaning, so i'd suggest right now that you forget the nonsense about a superior race of people namely your atlanteans.
    Your next statement regarding your posts yes i'd love to give you a bearhug.... but certainly not for being a genius!!!, it's no wonder you were modded if you are going to make outrageous claims of atlanteans and then start arguments over wether this place which if youve read about it only several people in the annuls of history have ever spoke about or even recorded any form of detail about. I suggest you stop reading conspiracy theories and the like and maybe start reading some facts from the internet instead of nonsense, also you might like to try to explain why certain buildings in Northern europe have carvings of american plants on them when they were built in the 1400's while according to traditional history we are taught America wasnt discovered until much later again i'll save you the trouble read this.
    So the conclusion is maybe to stop fantasising and read a little more Atlantis=Bolivia lol that is one of the best i've heard yet, at least you've made me smile, thanks for your time and keep trying you'll get there just stop reading crap it helps alot.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Wednesday, 15th February 2006

    thank you for your reply here is a few facts for you.

    atlantis was a country of nine cities,their distance from the shore and each other was measured by scribes,

    there is nine cities that were discovered in boliva, most are underwater and contain landmarks that are the same as described by people that visited atlantis

    there is many refrences to atlantis in eygptology stateing that there was trade in goods,but what were those goods,
    cocaine tabaco gold copper.all of which can be found in boliva, nowhere else at the time grew coco leaves or tobaco,traces of both have been found in mummies in egypt,it has been proven and accepted by a lot of scholars that altipelico in boliva is atlantis,as you admit that i have you on the cocaine and the tobaco,it seems that it is proof that you cannot argue against,smiley - laugh

    there has now been many papers written about boliva as atlantis if the knostic one took the time to read anything about them then he would not be so quick to scoff,my first langaues is english as i am irish i speak it, oweing to englands distasterous attemps to colonise irish people,as a point of fact english people do learn their own history as it is all censored and little more than propaganda so it is not suppriseing that you know very little.
    Hi Anthony,
    Ive read and re-read your post several times, first i'd like to say that i'll assume your first language is NOT english as your grammer is not as good as it could be.
    Ok with that said your other claims are also RUBBISH at best and at worst just plain crazy, first off these new mummies we dont know if they contain any of the substances you mention ie Cocaine etc, so theres your first point blasted out of the water. Your mention of tobaco and cocaine is very simply explained TRADE ROUTES this fact has been proven many years ago!, a little research on the web will easily confirm this for you.
    Your next point and i quote "if the substances are found then it will prove that the altipelico in boliva is atlantis" and your reason for this quote seems to be and i quote again "as that was the only place where gold copper and tobaco and cocaine could only come from.boliva is atlantis" again RUBBISH infact no wait im sorry ABSOLUTE RUBBISH, gold was readily mined all over the continents of africa and asia including the arab regions as was copper, i admit you have me on the cocaine and the tobaco but again this is due to that little thing called trade routes!. So were is your proof of atlantis, you seem to dream of this mythical idealogical society and place called atlantis, and i must add if you read a little bit more of the myth of atlantis you will discover its true meaning, so i'd suggest right now that you forget the nonsense about a superior race of people namely your atlanteans.
    Your next statement regarding your posts yes i'd love to give you a bearhug.... but certainly not for being a genius!!!, it's no wonder you were modded if you are going to make outrageous claims of atlanteans and then start arguments over wether this place which if youve read about it only several people in the annuls of history have ever spoke about or even recorded any form of detail about. I suggest you stop reading conspiracy theories and the like and maybe start reading some facts from the internet instead of nonsense, also you might like to try to explain why certain buildings in Northern europe have carvings of american plants on them when they were built in the 1400's while according to traditional history we are taught America wasnt discovered until much later again i'll save you the trouble read this.
    So the conclusion is maybe to stop fantasising and read a little more Atlantis=Bolivia lol that is one of the best i've heard yet, at least you've made me smile, thanks for your time and keep trying you'll get there just stop reading crap it helps alot.


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Artorious (U1941655) on Wednesday, 15th February 2006

    Hi All

    Although I think the idea of Atlantis in Bolivia is a strained one I just want to mention some things that have been mulling over in my mind for quite a while..like years lol...

    The claim that mention of Atlantis can be found in Egypt on temples etc has never been proven. I have an idea mulling for sometime that could answer in a small way this problem. The ancient Egyptians had an underworld land that some claim was supposed to be situated far to the west called Amentet. Basicaly Amentet means 'hidden place'. This has also been rendered as Amenti and Amentia and just Tia in some cases. The Greeks would make this ending Ti or Tia into Tis. Amen the first part of it is just the God name, Amen possible the hidden God. The Greeks would need to replace this name with their own God which in this instance became Atl or Atlas or Atlan.

    Curiously this word Tia aso means God in South American civilisations, and in ancient Celtic Tia or Dia, also in Greek Zeus, Latin Deus. Of course the word Atlan features in ancient South America as well. These links of course could possibly be put down to trade. There is evidence of both Minoan and Semitic peoples (Carthaginians) in South America. The question is did the Egyptians learn of this `hidden land' through trade with South America, a land that the Carthaginians also decided to purposly hide from the rest of the world. A land that had perhaps sunken and become the underworld?

    Could the story of a sunken land have come from South America , entered Egypt and called Amenti, been learnt by Solon and then incorporated into myths of `his' Atantis story, relating, not to the orginal Atlantis which may have been used as a model, but to a more localised conflict and flooding that occured perhaps sometime around 1000BC?

    It's an interesting hypothesis...

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Plancenoit (U1237957) on Thursday, 16th February 2006

    This one may have a slight feeling of 'Deja vu' about it, particularly for Artorious. We went into this subject quite recently. It made for an interesting thread, and some valid points were raised.


    Geniusbearhug, I hope you are taking some of this in.

    As regards the new discovery, it is very interesting, and will be the perfect opportunity to carry out an examination using modern techniques. Personally, I'm not expecting any big surprises.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Artorious (U1941655) on Thursday, 16th February 2006

    Hi Plancenoit

    Yes, I remember that thread well. At the time I didnt want to feed the fever as it were with this hypothesis. I still think its a longshot.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by The_Knostic_One (U3234193) on Thursday, 16th February 2006

    This is aimed at thegoodbadugly ( and a little bit at the end for Artorious), again i quote "atlantis was a country of nine cities,their distance from the shore and each other was measured by scribes", ok then WHO? name them, name your sources, im sure many archaeologists around the world including historians would love to see your proof of these so called scribes, and please dont dare mention Plato i want all your other sources excluding any modern day fantasists either with their unproven thesis on this subject, point two again i quote "as you admit that i have you on the cocaine and the tobaco,it seems that it is proof that you cannot argue against", Zzzzzz im sorry you missed the sarcasim but i did give the answer to this also and here it is again i quote "TRADE ROUTES"

    Now point three is a rather serious one! and very very worrying! i hate to do it but again i quote,
    "oweing to englands distasterous attemps to colonise irish people,as a point of fact english people do learn their own history as it is all censored" (another bold claim/assumption and if true then all history even the stuff you read is also then censored) "and little more than propaganda so it is not suppriseing that you know very little" now at this point i could turn this rather interesting discussion about the Myth of Atlantis into a paranoid racist rant but that is personally beneath me, so with that said i dont think you should either, and just so you dont follow any more of your wild *assumptions* i'll fill in the blanks for you IM NOT ENGLISH.

    At last Artorious a little bit of should i say food for thought from yourself, reffering to your interesting thoughts on the Egyptian link via Amentet, Amentet (or even Ament, Iment -it, -et) was originally the place for the setting sun but with time she became the hostess in the next world, Amentet was a female Goddess who was the personification of the ( Sun setting world )West, as they believed and revered Ra, which naturally led to the west being associated with in time the underworld-setting sun darkness, but one thing you do mention is these common words that appear in many cultures, this is a whole different thread altoghether so ill breifly outline the common thought of many professional Linguists ( if you would like some reference material on these subjects posted i will- if asked). Language and oratory skils are possibly far more ancient than was previously thought, languages that are based on proto-indo-european contain many common words associated with agriculture and husbandry, while proto-nostratic languages all have common words associated with hunting and food gathering, now this might seem like a lot of nonsense but upon further reading on these subjects youll find that these Neolithic people through these common word links may have shared one common lanuguage at one point in pre-history, this could explain for example as you say why certain words across the world seem very similar or identical even, as i said i can give you plenty of reference material to read of this if need be, but i will warn its very tough reading ( not difficult just hard to grasp alot of the terms used if you dont have any linguistic background knowledge )and as we now and im sure thegoodbadugly will agree buildings in the british isles( Neolithic ones that is ) predate the great pyramid by up to 1000 years and im sure theres more to find The White Wall of Newgrange in ireland being one of them there are many many more that are known. This throws out alot of questions about who first built civilisation? where was science founded etc etc to name but a few, all these being previously accredited to the ancient egyptians so on and so forth, anyway if this is true then it could explain why a word like Atlantis or somethign similar could exsist in alot of places without the need for trade routes for all you would need is the remenants of this common global tongue along with old folk tales myths legends etc, which i do concede many are based on facts rather than fiction, but Atlantis being one of these factual myths i think not.
    Anyway ive wrote way too much, take care folks and happy hunting.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by thegoodbadugly (U2942713) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    thank you for your reply my learned friend. This is aimed at thegoodbadugly ( and a little bit at the end for Artorious), again i quote "atlantis was a country of nine cities,their distance from the shore and each other was measured by scribes", ok then WHO? name them, name your sources, im sure many archaeologists around the world including historians would love to see your proof of these so called scribes, and please dont dare mention Plato i want all your other sources excluding any modern day fantasists either with their unproven thesis on this subject, point two again i quote "as you admit that i have you on the cocaine and the tobaco,it seems that it is proof that you cannot argue against", Zzzzzz im sorry you missed the sarcasim but i did give the answer to this also and here it is again i quote "TRADE ROUTES"

    Now point three is a rather serious one! and very very worrying! i hate to do it but again i quote,
    "oweing to englands distasterous attemps to colonise irish people,as a point of fact english people do learn their own history as it is all censored" (another bold claim/assumption and if true then all history even the stuff you read is also then censored) "and little more than propaganda so it is not suppriseing that you know very little" now at this point i could turn this rather interesting discussion about the Myth of Atlantis into a paranoid racist rant but that is personally beneath me, so with that said i dont think you should either, and just so you dont follow any more of your wild *assumptions* i'll fill in the blanks for you IM NOT ENGLISH.

    At last Artorious a little bit of should i say food for thought from yourself, reffering to your interesting thoughts on the Egyptian link via Amentet, Amentet (or even Ament, Iment -it, -et) was originally the place for the setting sun but with time she became the hostess in the next world, Amentet was a female Goddess who was the personification of the ( Sun setting world )West, as they believed and revered Ra, which naturally led to the west being associated with in time the underworld-setting sun darkness, but one thing you do mention is these common words that appear in many cultures, this is a whole different thread altoghether so ill breifly outline the common thought of many professional Linguists ( if you would like some reference material on these subjects posted i will- if asked). Language and oratory skils are possibly far more ancient than was previously thought, languages that are based on proto-indo-european contain many common words associated with agriculture and husbandry, while proto-nostratic languages all have common words associated with hunting and food gathering, now this might seem like a lot of nonsense but upon further reading on these subjects youll find that these Neolithic people through these common word links may have shared one common lanuguage at one point in pre-history, this could explain for example as you say why certain words across the world seem very similar or identical even, as i said i can give you plenty of reference material to read of this if need be, but i will warn its very tough reading ( not difficult just hard to grasp alot of the terms used if you dont have any linguistic background knowledge )and as we now and im sure thegoodbadugly will agree buildings in the british isles( Neolithic ones that is ) predate the great pyramid by up to 1000 years and im sure theres more to find The White Wall of Newgrange in ireland being one of them there are many many more that are known. This throws out alot of questions about who first built civilisation? where was science founded etc etc to name but a few, all these being previously accredited to the ancient egyptians so on and so forth, anyway if this is true then it could explain why a word like Atlantis or somethign similar could exsist in alot of places without the need for trade routes for all you would need is the remenants of this common global tongue along with old folk tales myths legends etc, which i do concede many are based on facts rather than fiction, but Atlantis being one of these factual myths i think not.
    Anyway ive wrote way too much, take care folks and happy hunting.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by TonyG (U1830405) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    name them, name your sources, im sure many archaeologists around the world including historians would love to see your proof of these so called scribes, and please dont dare mention Plato i want all your other sources excluding any modern day fantasists Μύ

    Sorry to be pedantic but that is impossible. Plato is the only source for the Atlantis myth / legend. Every other theory is based on what he wrote.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by (( sean )) Free Nordmann (U2053581) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    hiya thegoodbadugly


    "oweing to englands distasterous attemps to colonise irish people,as a point of fact english people do learn their own history as it is all censored and little more than propaganda so it is not suppriseing that you know very little."

    i take your point but this was not true of the history i studied at British university in fact the case was completely reversed as the course privilege identity theory and post-colonial theory (which is pretty true of history at British universitys these days) which meant that during my time students and staff of Irish decent were in the majority thanks to the course leader Dr Graham Dawson. in fact the two students in my class who were not of Irish decent in some manner were French-Swiss and British-Asian respectively.

    what is taught in schools however is neither here nor there. as schools for the most part are not set up to nurture anything but the most rudimentary critic skills with in the lower status humanities subjects. IMO

    cheers Sean

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Plancenoit (U1237957) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    what is taught in schools however is neither here nor there. as schools for the most part are not set up to nurture anything but the most rudimentary critic skills with in the lower status humanities subjects. IMO

    cheers Sean

    Never are truer word spoken.........

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Nik (U1777139) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    I have made a detailed approach in past threads to explain on the one hand why it was not at all Plato's fantasies and on the other hand why such a myth did not serve at all the development of Plato's theories... it is more than obvious in the text that Socrates listens to the myth, and unable to verify or comment anything on it he places it aside as 'indeed interesting, we will discuss it later (i.e. the month that has no Sunday!)... in exactly the same way that many modern commentators react.

    Now the myth makes a more than blatant reference to 1-2-3 larger islands in the Atlantic ocean (whatever that were), for more islands western of them (obviously Carribean) and for a very large continent that there is western of them (even more obviously America)... more blantant than that you cannot have it. Whatever you say, there is no doubt that the myth talks about America but obviously the myth supports that Atlantis was a separate land to America being separated by ocean and other islands. Thus Bolivia or any other place in America is highly unlikely to be connected to Atlantis.

    And for those that cannot imagine that there were islands bigger than the Canarian and the Maldives in the Atlantic ocean then I remind them that it took them up to 2001 to establish that up to 5000 B.C. there was indeed a small island on the mouth of Gibraltar - small (2-3kmΒ²) cos a larger part was immersed underwater (creating swallows)... could it be that it was one of the last remaining parts of Atlantis? And if it took up to 2001 to establish such a fact in one of the most studied seas in the world like the Gibraltar then guess how much it will take them to establish anything for the open ocean! And if indeed Atlantians used copper and gold do not expect to find much remains under and tons of water and mud in the depths underneath the Atlantic ocean. In any case again this finding of the little island in the mouth of the Gibraltar coincides satanically with the myth which supports that Atlantis started near Africa and Europe and that after its sinking the Gibraltar became for hundreds of years an endless shallows impenetrable by ships that tried to come out from the Mediterranean (and that is why the trade routes to the Atlantic Ocean were largely forgotten - obviously not completely as correctly Artorius notes there are suspicions that Greeks and Phoenicians perhaps knew more things - certainly Egyptians received american products either by their own sailors or by the two previous people or a combination of that). Is it so difficult to imagine that? Strange... people accepted so easily that in 50,000 - 40,000 B.C. (it was stiil the time of Neaderdals!) protoIndodravidians reached Australia...

    PS: Still, I cannot believe how Greeks wrote a poem about a sailor that spent 10 years voyaging lost in the Mediterranean... it should be a comedy for them not an epic!!...

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Nik (U1777139) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    ... sorry, checked it again the 5000 BC date is not exact... geologists actually verify this island existed around up to 9000 maximum 8000 B.C. so by 5000 I guess it was gone...(well... a guess...)

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Nik (U1777139) on Friday, 17th February 2006

    oh yes, and it was a bit bigger, some 14x5 km (google Jacques Collina-Girard Atlantis gibraltar) but then I am not at all with the accompagning theory of this man that this small island was indeed atlantis... it was simply what was left from Atlantis which was shunk earlier.

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