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Messages: 1 - 29 of 29
  • Message 1.Μύ

    Posted by Alf-Ventress. (U2907150) on Wednesday, 11th January 2006

    the russian revolution? Certainly he used it as a pretext, and the fact is that many in Europe were very concerned that the red peril should spread, but as far as I understand, by 1924, that fear had subsided, and it faded away along with the good times and Charleston of the roaring 20'ties. But do you actually think that the argument: No revolution- no Hitler is true? Send us your views?

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Wednesday, 11th January 2006

    I don't think the Russian Revolution had much to do with Hitler gaining power. It may have had a big influence on the Nazi Party during its formative years (20s), but not after that.

    The main influencing factor in Hitler's rise to power was a combination of the Versailles Treaty and The economic depression of the late 20s/early 30s. The average bloke on the street was suffering economic hardship, and when people can't feed their families, they become desperate. Desperate times cause the average man's political opinions to become more extreme. Basically, as times get worse, the more it appears the old ways have failed, so the more extreme people become. They tend to converge on the extreme elements on offer, and indeed the more radical the better. Hitler promised that he would improve things, provide jobs, save the economy. He blamed the Jews for all the hardships befalling Germany, and the Germans were crying out for someone to blame. When Hitler gained power, he did fulfil his promises to provide jobs through massive public works programmes (as did the US at the same time) and expanding the arms industries. So, once he had done this, they believed in him, and the journey towards WW2 was underway.

    Hitler's economic policies in Germany were actually admired all over Europe (including the UK) and even though they were unsustainable in the very long term, they appeared to work. This is how he consolidated his power, and in fact Nazi collaboration with Soviet Russia was widespread (even to the extent that the Germans trained tank crews and aircrew in Russian bases since they were forbidden to do so in Germany under the terms of Versailles)


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Thursday, 12th January 2006

    'They tend to converge on the extreme elements on offer, and indeed the more radical the better' yes,and Rosa's comrades were in their views by these to whom they could blame for their sufferings.Rosa's comrades were the first who left commies' offices to fight for the cause of communism onto the German streets.
    The next were NAZIs who played the role of defenders of common Germans from the Communist threat.
    Permanent street's war had been driven to the situation in which the German republic wasn't able to derive any profit in its lot from the years of boom in the second half of 20th.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Thursday, 12th January 2006

    ....German commies,in their turn, belonged to the Communist International(i.e.Moscow) and recieved the orders how they shoud act in any of given situations from the cradle of RUSSIAN REVOLUTION.Such chain of events.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Thursday, 12th January 2006

    'Hitler's economic policies in Germany were actually admired all over Europe (including the UK'
    yes,Hitler almost certainly was a great man....in his own way....

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Hi OUNUPA,

    I think maybe you're misunderstanding me here. I am no admirer of Hitler! He did however, manage to pull the German economy from the ruins of the great depression, and this is what secured his support among the common man in Germany.
    What the common man didn't realise is what horrors Hitler had planned for his adopted nation (and the rest of Europe)


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Hello Ounopa

    The first president of the USSR was Sverdlov, a jew. One of the very first laws that was passed in USSR was a law making anti-semitism illegal. Is this not the most telling sign, you could ask for, as to whom controlled the USSR ?

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Hello Ounopa

    The first president of the USSR was Sverdlov, a jew. One of the very first laws that was passed in USSR was a law making anti-semitism illegal. Is this not the most telling sign, you could ask for, as to whom controlled the USSR ?Μύ

    Oh for God's sake.

    Is there anything you DON'T blame on the Jews Nick?

    Stop trolling you Jew-hating bigot.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    It is absolutely essential to know that the clear majority in the Politbureau and in the hated Secret Police, the NKVD, were jews. All the chiefs were jews, also in the later KGB. It was a jew who killed Czar Alexander II in 1881, actually one of the moderate Czars. I am told that he carried a plan for reform (away from the absolute power that was the Czars) when a bomb was throwned at him. So you see one of the first instances of terrorism was carried out by a jew. Now his son, Alexander the III clamped down exceptionally hard on the jews in the Pale of Settlement, the western border-area were all russias jews were compelled to live. So russias history from this time can be described as one long civil unrest, groups lashing out in revenge at each other.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    It was jews who killed Czar Nikolaj II, his wife and 6 children in Jekatarinenburg in 1918. Brutal, disgustingly brutal in that cellar...

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Have you been reading the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" or something?

    Your latest posts are straight out of "Der Sturmer" Nick (look it up, you may learn something).

    Once again you have taken someone else's thread and turned it into "Let's Blame the Jews".
    What's wrong Nick, aren't they Nordic enough for you?

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    It is absolutely essential to know that the clear majority in the Politbureau and in the hated Secret Police, the NKVD, were jews. All the chiefs were jews, also in the later KGB. It was a jew who killed Czar Alexander II in 1881, actually one of the moderate Czars. I am told that he carried a plan for reform (away from the absolute power that was the Czars) when a bomb was throwned at him. So you see one of the first instances of terrorism was carried out by a jew. Now his son, Alexander the III clamped down exceptionally hard on the jews in the Pale of Settlement, the western border-area were all russias jews were compelled to live. So russias history from this time can be described as one long civil unrest, groups lashing out in revenge at each other. Μύ

    So now you are justifying the Russian pogroms as well? Anything else? So, did the Jews cause World War One and two as well? Alexander clamped down hard, you wrote. Is that a polite way of saying genocide?

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Yes that Al Ventress is a much grander fellow, aint he? I allways thought so meself..

    You see, we are actually one and the same, so I have no problem in using his tread. The thing is I got pre-moderated over in Fivelive as Nick Rowan, and then took Al Ventress. Now he is on moderation too. And it was just old habit that let me sign in as Nick Yesterday. But know you know.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    It is absolutely essential to know that the clear majority in the Politbureau and in the hated Secret Police, the NKVD, were jews. All the chiefs were jews, also in the later KGB. It was a jew who killed Czar Alexander II in 1881, actually one of the moderate Czars. I am told that he carried a plan for reform (away from the absolute power that was the Czars) when a bomb was throwned at him. So you see one of the first instances of terrorism was carried out by a jew. Now his son, Alexander the III clamped down exceptionally hard on the jews in the Pale of Settlement, the western border-area were all russias jews were compelled to live. So russias history from this time can be described as one long civil unrest, groups lashing out in revenge at each other. Μύ

    So now you are justifying the Russian pogroms as well? Anything else? So, did the Jews cause World War One and two as well? Alexander clamped down hard, you wrote. Is that a polite way of saying genocide?

    Yes it was the infamous pogroms of the 1880'ies that you probably have heard something about. It made millions of russian jews immigrate to America from that time and up till 1920. That Jack Abramoff who is accused of swindling in Washington, his name is in all probability Abramovitch , likewise Volfowitch and a lot other 'prominent' jews have comed out of this mess. Ariel Schornemann (Sharon) thought his name sounded too german and opted for Sharon in stead. His parents were russians and came from Russia to Germany in this period. Now he is born in 1928,

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Hmmm I wonder why you were on pre-mod?

    And I wonder how long before you will be again?
    Especially since the boards are known to ban people for using multiple user ids!!!

    Bye Nick/Alf whoever you are.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Officer AND gentleman was previously not uncommon in the same man. We shall wait and see if this officer will take action. What ever your choice - you know as well as I that the free word cannot be suppressed. It will pop up when you least expect it. It cannot be held down, but will come forward and re-assert itself. And I will be posting when and wherever I like, you can rest assured. Whether I be called Allan, Nick or Claude

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    The free word? There is a difference between using the right to free speech and abusing it!
    Taking advantage of freedom of speech to post foul abusing distortions of history in order to promote religious hatred, well that is well and truly abusing that right.

    There is a guy in Britain currently on trial for spouting the same hate filled stuff in the name of religion, who will no doubt be facing a prison term for abusing this right. I suppose you could say that you would even agree with some of his views NIck/Alf/Julius. Maybe speech isn't as free as we think.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006


    Not entirely sure whether the officer and gentleman comment was aimed at me. If so, well I have bad news for you. I left the army with the rank of Staff Sergeant, a Non-Commissioned Officer, which puts me in the official class of "brutal and licentious soldiery" rather than an officer and a gentleman.

    You figure it out.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    I think the greatest mistake I made was repeatetly publishing large trunks of text. It does not seem to be so much of a problem here, but over there they are very keen on intellectural rights and stuff. I just often thinks that just posting a link is too porr, wanting to give a taste of what awaits the reader..., but No, it is not allowed. They probaly sent me 15 emails about it which i didn't see. And then I got mederated. And this simply is too much to wait until your post appears!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    No Nick, I've just had a look at your posts on Five Live, and see that it is the same Jew-hating rubbish about "illegal colonies". I suspect that had something to do with it.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Yes a tiny bit to do with it. But 8 out of 10 of my emails speak of copying of texts and intellectual rights. But by all means clock on me Nick-Rowan name and go back some 3 pages ans see my praise for Brent Scowcroft. I never thought initially it should come to that. But compared to the neo-conservatives,- that Brent Scowcroft would just have been a trill to have. But he is marginalised now. He is the best friend of Bush Senior, but the son won't speak to him or acknowledge what he have to say. Had he done it, he wouldn't have found himself knee-deep in trouble in the iraqie quagmire.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    No Nick, I've just had a look at your posts on Five Live, and see that it is the same Jew-hating rubbish about "illegal colonies". I suspect that had something to do with it.


    If there were no Israel they should here no bad word from me, and that is for sure! The jews have done great things in music,science and business. But it is the alien colony in the ME, created AFTER the rest of the world was moving away from the very concept of colonies due to the prevalence of american altruistic ideals after WW2, that is so wong, and will have to be opposed, until it is eventually shut down, and the land given to its rightful owners.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    It was jews who killed Czar Nikolaj II, his wife and 6 children in Jekatarinenburg in 1918. Brutal, disgustingly brutal in that cellar...Μύ

    Nick,Dzugashvili wasn't a Jew,he was a Georgian from his origins and ordered to waste the Jews -Zinov'ev&Kamenev(they were the very high-ranked Party bosses) in other,NKVD's, cellars in 1936.Dzugashvili was just foremost of those Bolsheviks ,whom even Ul'janov had criticized for their Great Russian chauvinism.Although the most of Bolsheviks were equally imperialist in their views.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Okay Ounopa, but what do you say about this perpetual civil unrest in Russis that I speak of.
    I have developed the idea myself that The creation of the Pale of Settlement by Catherine II in 1791, up to the assasination of alexander II in 1891 by a jew and unto the first revolution of 19o5 and right up to 1917 is all connected and part of a long chain of revenge over revenge all stemming from the fact that jews was put in this 'reservate' in the Pale. i would like to hear your views on this, as I think it is very interesting. There was a german jew, lillienthal saying in 1843:

    >"Let's study Russian culture ... let's speak in Russian and write in Russian ... let's be just like them, and they'll accept us, and we'll be able to integrate more effectively into society and end the horrible poverty so many live under."<

    >In this climate, in 1843, a conference was convened on the subject of Jewish education, which pitted Lilienthal against Rabbi Yitzchak of Volozhin and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the Rebbe of Chabad Lubavitch also known as the Tzemach Tzedek. Lilienthal could not stand up to the arguments of these rabbis, who managed to win the right for Jews to retain their traditional school system in competition with Lilienthal's new school system<


    If only they had become russians we would have no Israel in the mid east causing trouble today. Off cause it is possible that the polish rabbies would have done the traditional teaching, but it is my impression that those russian rabbies where very influental in asserting traditional jewish culture.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Nick, Gorky(writer) thought,that the Bolsheviks deliberately used the Jews in their ranks to carry out confiscations of church property.He accused 'em of deliberately stirring up anti-Semitism to divert the anger of the Christian community away from themselves.And in several towns there were indeed pogroms against the Jews following the confiscation of church property.Meanwhile,the Bolsheviks were closing down synagogues as part of their campaign against religion.

    As for Russia during their Tzars I am more inclined to blame not Jews but the Russians themselves for all things they had then since 1917 with their idea that Russia was the 'Third Rome',heir to the legacy of Bysantium,the last capital of Orthodoxy and therefore Russia became a 'holy land' singled out by God for humanity 's salvation to preach the True Word and fight 'heresies' across the world.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Saturday, 11th February 2006

    The Soviet government, or "Council of People's Commissars' (also known as the "Sovnarkom") was made up of the following:

    Peoples Commissariat (Ministry)

    Chairman V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
    Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin Russian
    Nationalities J. Dzhugashvili [Stalin] Georgian
    Agriculture Protian Armenian
    Economic Council Lourie (Larin) Jew
    Food Supply A.G. Schlikhter Jew
    Army and Navy [Military] L.D. Bronstein (Trotski) Jew
    State Control K.I. Lander Jew
    State Lands Kaufmann Jew
    Works [Labor] V. Schmidt Jew
    Social Relief E. Lilina (Knigissen) Jew
    Education A. Lunacharsky Russian
    Religion Spitzberg Jew
    Interior Apfelbaum [Radomyslski] (Zinoviev) Jew
    Hygiene Anvelt Jew
    Finance I. E. Gukovs [and G. Sokolnikov] Jew
    Press Voldarski [Goldstein] Jew
    Elections M.S. Uritsky Jew
    Justice I.Z. Shteinberg Jew
    Refugees Fenigstein Jew
    Refugees Savitch (Assistant) Jew
    Refugees Zaslovski (Assistant) Jew

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Saturday, 11th February 2006

    Here is some research I have done on the members of The Central Executive Committee

    Breslau........................Latvian [?]
    N. I. Bukharin.................Russian
    Ganzberg[Ganzburg ]............Jew
    S. Dimanshtein.................Jew
    A A.Ioffe......................Jew
    N. Krylenko....................Russian
    L Bronstei(Trotsky)............Jew
    Teodorovitch...................Jew [?]
    Achkinazi......................Imeretian [?]
    Karakhane Karaim[Karaite
    Schikolini ....................Jew

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Nick-Rowan (U2517576) on Saturday, 11th February 2006

    The Extraordinary Commission of Moscow (Cheka) 'the Soviet secret police and predecessor of the GPU, the NKVD and the KGB was made up of the following:

    F.Dzerzhinsky(Chairman)....... Pole
    Y.Peters(Deputy Chairman)..... Latvian
    Chklovski..................... Jew
    Kheifiss...................... Jew
    Zeistine...................... Jew
    Razmirovitch.................. Jew
    Kronberg...................... Jew
    Khaikina...................... Jew
    Karlson....................... Latvian
    Schaumann..................... Latvian
    Leontovitch................... Jew
    Jacob Goldine................. Jew
    Galperstein................... Jew
    Kniggisen..................... Jew
    Katzis........................ Latvian
    Schillenkuss.................. Jew
    Janson........................ Latvian
    Rivkine....................... Jew
    Antonof....................... Russian
    Delafabre..................... Jew
    Tsitkine...................... Jew
    Roskirovitch.................. Jew
    G. Sverdlov(Brother of president of the Central Executive Committee).......... Jew
    Biesenski..................... Jew
    J. Blumkin(Count Mirbach's assassin) Jew
    Alexandrovitch(Blumkin's accomplice) Russian
    I. Model...................... Jew
    Routenberg.................... Jew
    Sachs......................... Jew
    Daybol........................ Latvian
    Saissoune..................... Armenian
    Deylkenen..................... Latvian
    Liebert....................... Jew
    Vogel......................... German
    Zakiss........................ Latvian

    Of these 36 Cheka officials, one was a Pole, one a German, one an Armenian, two were Russians, eight were Latvians, and 23 were Jews.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Saturday, 11th February 2006

    The Beryja's NKVD/MVD was packed mostly of Georgians.So what?
    Now the President of Georgia M.Saakashvili is a real democratic leader.
    And what about the Germans who were keen to serve for
    Himmler's secret police?

    Report message29

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