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Stalin-the true cost

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Messages: 1 - 21 of 21
  • Message 1.Μύ

    Posted by siberiansniper (U2573777) on Wednesday, 23rd November 2005

    Good evening everybody.
    I have been wondering about how many soviet people died as a direct result of Stalins political paranorer. I have seen figures that seem both too high and low ranging from 0 to 100,000. It is clear the black book of communism is biased and not a well researched history.
    So does anybody have a true idea of the cost?

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by faran1 (U2570961) on Wednesday, 23rd November 2005

    I can promise you that it was more then 30 milion men.
    but most of them are result of world war two.
    why did you ask about it?

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by siberiansniper (U2573777) on Thursday, 24th November 2005

    I am interested as there seems to be no definate figure. There is also the problem of finding non-biased sources.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by DANNY-FRANKS (U2186615) on Thursday, 24th November 2005

    Stalin was responsible for deaths of at least thousands from the officer purge of the Army in the 30s to forcible removal of ethnic tribes believed loyal to the Germans in WW2 plus those interned as political prisoners. Unfortunately when deaths get on such a scale it becomes impossible to keep tabs on the amount and it is all too easy to generalise and add noughts. The true cost will never be known and will fade into a statistical distant memory/irrelevance as time passes.


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Thursday, 24th November 2005

    Hi all,

    This quote says it all really...

    "One man's death is a tragedy, ten thousand men's deaths are statistics"

    Josef Vissarionovich Stalin.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by hallamhal (U2549864) on Thursday, 24th November 2005

    you mean 'one MILLION dead is a statistic

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 25th November 2005

    I stand corrected.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Friday, 25th November 2005

    Im case with Dzugashvili more correct is to change the figure in his own saying to 'millions'.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by The Researcher Strikes Back (U2183402) on Friday, 25th November 2005

    I found this page. I don't know whether it helps. It doesn't deal with Stalin alone, but there is a discussion of the numbers, including high and low estimates.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Friday, 25th November 2005


    I thought the figure was in the tens of millions just for the "Great Terror" period in the 1930s, even before taking WW2 into account. I doubt that the true figure will ever be known, especially those who just disappeared into the Gulag, and were never seen again.


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by PaulRyckier (U1753522) on Friday, 25th November 2005

    Re: Message 9.


    thank you very much for this excellent (in my humble opinion) website.

    It's an aside. But I use it in the perspective of another thread from DL: "Intolerance- Man's true nature?"

    How horrifying the reading of all these numbers may be and I am not belittling the horror of the list, but to put it in the right context of the history, again IMO. Some people are saying about the 20th century, look: the bloodiest century of all, with the most atrocious conflicts.

    I only want to give one example: the "Thirty Years War". There it is said by historians that at the end of the war, (1648? Have to seek it back.) nearly one third of all people in the war region were dead. Originally I said killed by religious wars, but Beldo Fernandez corrected me. It had also to do with the competition between the several "wordly" factions and the wrecking of the economy, famine and diseases created by all this. And he was right.

    The point I want to emphasize is that in history there were as much atrocities in great numbers as today, not to say more, if you stick to numbers in percent of the population involved.

    And some would perhaps say that for instance the numbers of the peasants, not educated, nearly cattle between their cattle don't count in the figures, but then and now they were humans as every baron and they had potentially as much brain or perhaps more than said baron, again IMO. The same for a poor rural Chinese, killed by an intellectual Japanese in the advent of WWII. Or a Commonwealth Indian from the countryside dying in WWI counts as much IMO as his higly educated British counterpart from the motherland. In fact I find it very decent that near Abbeville there is a war cemetery for the Chinese helpers fallen on duty during WWI.

    My last paragraph has perhaps not that much to do with the general thought, but I wanted only to pinpoint at some, as for instance in the Korean war, who are only interested in the casualties of their own Western people. But again, that's perhaps also a characteristic of human behaviour, first the own and then the rest. Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.

    Thanks again for your website and kind regards.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Saturday, 26th November 2005

    Today is the Black Saturday...

    Throughout the Ukraine the Citizens of my beloved

    native land are weeping...

    The Day of Memory of these millions who were

    fallen by victims of Golodomor in

    1920th,1930-33,1946-47 and Big Lies...

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Nik (U1777139) on Saturday, 26th November 2005

    Direct deaths were more than 20,000,000

    Indirect deaths (for me are the same direct) and direct deaths rise to be 50,000,000 people.

    That means today Siberia would be populated and Russian empire would have a healthy population of 400,000,000 - million people or more and probably would be the global power above USA.

    I was always wondering if communism which came from the west to Russia was not a capitalist trick to keep down and controlled this giant (England and France and later Germany were trying to control Russia since the late 18th century) since the west had invested all their money in USA in the mid-late 19th century. Of course you will say that is a generalisation but then is is overgeneralisation that one day that Russian muziks woke up and learnt to read in order to read Marx like others read the Bible. It is ridiculus.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Saturday, 26th November 2005

    When Marx came to the Russian Empire in March

    1972 with his 'political economy'(Capital) his

    critique was not applicable to R.Empire,where

    the 'capitalist exploitation' of which he spoke

    had never been experienced.

    The 'scientific' nature of Marxist theory

    intoxicated the Russian radical mind. Marx's

    historical dialectic seemed to do for society

    what Darwin had done for humanity:provide

    a 'logical theory of evolutionary development'..

    It was 'very serious' and 'objective',a

    comprehensive system that would explain the

    social world.('fish&monkeys')

    It was in this sense an answer to that

    quintessential Russian quest for a knowledge

    that was ABSOLUTE!!!!

    It showed that progress lay in industry ,that

    there was meaning in the CHAOS OF HISTORY,and

    that THROUGH THE WORKING CLASS socialism would

    become THE END of history.

    The message had a special appeal to the Russian

    intelligentsia ,painfully aware as they were of

    their country's backwardness,since it implied

    that Russia would inevitably become more like

    the advanced countries of the West-Germany..The

    idea that Marxism could bring Russia closer to

    the West was probably its principal idea.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by steveP (U1775134) on Sunday, 27th November 2005


    I thought the figure was in the tens of millions just for the "Great Terror" period in the 1930s, even before taking WW2 into account. I doubt that the true figure will ever be known, especially those who just disappeared into the Gulag, and were never seen again.



    I think part of the problem is how you determine the figures. For instance, during the so called kulak purges, while millions probably died directly by being shot or carried off to camps many more die from starvation and disease resulting from the policy of mass starvation. Similarly how do you allocate the casualties in WWII. A lot of those directly killed by the Germans might not be blamed on Stalin and the Communists, unless you consider the incompetence and corruption that weakened Russia. However mass deportations and shooting of 'unreliable elements' along with those after the conflict who had committed treason by being captured, or even deported as slave labour.

    Coupled with the dubious nature of virtually all figures from Russia during this period any calculation must be fairly vague.


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    There are many people who still being able to

    give their own evidences(my own mum for example)

    to fill the gap into this statitistics.

    But before now only USA,Canada,Australia,Hungary

    and recently Lithuania recognized the fact of a

    Holocaust which had been occurred into the

    Ukraine during 1932-33 and later.Thanks Lord we

    are not to be alone on this point.

    I want to point out the fact that it was

    happening ONLY into the Ukraine during

    1932-33,1946-47. The loss of people was nearly

    the half of their population as an

    outcome(15,000,000 lives)of a Holocaust which was

    conducted by Stalin and his hangers-on.

    And it was clearly directed against the

    Ukrainians as a whole nation....

    In Russian Soviet Federation itself in these

    years such cases were not witnessed....

    It is the fact also that there were not any cases in evidence
    of resistance to Stalin's regime from the side of

    Russian 'muziks' during

    and after the WWII within Russian Soviet

    Federation itself. There was one Stalin's

    general(who surrendered to Hitler) -Vlasov but he himself

    is hardly could be called as the leader of


    But Ukrainians had showed to Stalin&Co their own

    FINGER in 1946-47 and then deserved to be

    nicknamed by Russian 'muziks' and

    as 'banderovtzy','hohly' and so on


    Such attitude towards Citizens( and the Free

    World in general )goes from their own envy to the

    people who want to live free on their own land I


    In return for their resistance to Stalin's regime

    the Ukrainians had their next stage of Holocaust

    in 1946-47....

    Where is that Second N. to obtain these true

    figures of victims ?Or these victims don't

    deserve for such 'honour'.Hmm but even American dogs

    who served in US Army in Nam are deserved to get their own Monument.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    Hmm but even American dogs

    who served in US Army in Nam are deserved to get their own Monument.


    Disgraceful comment, and well out of order! smiley - grr
    Although Vietnam was a massive mistake on the part of the US, and they should (with hindsight) have never got involved-the Domino theory was utter rubbish-I can hardly see how the soldiers who fought for the US in that war can be classed as "dogs"!!! Especially when you consider that most of them were drafted, and had no choice about going! Absolutely shocking, and I am amazed that someone can show such a lack of respect. smiley - steam

    Watch out OUNUPA, Expat's gonna getcha for that one.

    Deservedly so too.

    Incidentally, the Ukraine was not exactly guilt-free when it came to the Holocaust. How many concentration camps had Ukrainian guards? I think you'll find that a lot of them did.


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    You've got my words about dogs in a wrong way...

    I mean the dogs of which Expat mentioned into
    his posts...
    But now I'm talking about 15,000,000 of lives of Ukrainians.

    Then we would begin to talk about other things.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by ungodfather (U2173708) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    DL, that would be dogs as in woof woof, not an insult to human soldiers. The US, like most other armies, used sniffer dogs, guard dogs, and I think mine detecting dogs (sniffing again but risky work).

    There's a similar statue in London commemorating the dogs, mules, carrier pigeons, etc that served the Commonwealth in the two world wars.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by DL (U1683040) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    smiley - doh
    DL, that would be dogs as in woof woof, not an insult to human soldiers. The US, like most other armies, used sniffer dogs, guard dogs, and I think mine detecting dogs (sniffing again but risky work).

    There's a similar statue in London commemorating the dogs, mules, carrier pigeons, etc that served the Commonwealth in the two world wars.Μύ

    Many apologies OUNUPA! I totally misunderstood your post! smiley - doh

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Monday, 28th November 2005

    Only other WORLD TRIAL has its right to judge-when those witnesses would stand in court and tell again and again their stories of Stalin's murderous actions.
    OUNers are ready to take the challenge from any of sides.
    Putin's Russia is scared this Trial nearly to its death.
    That's the real 'DO-MI-NO'!

    Report message21

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