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The Witches Walk our new bar is open.

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 1496
  • Message 1.Β 

    Posted by Grumpyjaywit (U2986749) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Thinking about a Halloween theme for our bar I suddenly had a picture in my mind of an old witch, stooping, using her broomstick as a walking stick walking slowly along a path in the woods followed by her faithful black cat. So the Witches Walk it is.

    If someone can bring the pets acroos please and they can settle down by the fire.

    Roast chestnuts today I think and toffee apples.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by anitamo (U5717936) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Good morning again and thank you GJW for opening the new bar, very apt name for the time of year. Pets brought over also the food and a box of miscellaneous objects. The fire is roaring up the chimney and all is snug and warm. smiley - biggrin

    Hope you are keeping well GJW. smiley - hug

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hello friends,

    Sunny day here today and I am going on the bus into town to have a look at the Flowers from the chrysanthiimum society and all the entrys and then have some lunch

    see you later


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by snaphappy (U14059011) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Afternoon all!

    Love the new bar GJW! I got lost on the way over, as I could not find the directions! smiley - biggrin Anyway, I am here now, that is the important thing!

    I fou nd someones knitting under the chair in the old bar, so I have brought that across with me.

    Verrrrrrrrrrrry grey and damp day here today - not nice at all!

    Hope that you feel better soon Anita.

    Hope that you enjoyed your lunch out Edna

    Hope that everyone else is well


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Thanks for opening up the new bar GJW. Good name for it too.

    Anita, Thanks for the brekkie/lunch and for lighting the fire so it is nice and cosy.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Raunds, Have a lovely day with your friends and smiley - hugsmiley - hug for you and OH .

    Edie, Nice to see you again.

    Jackie, I hope the coughing and sneezing stops soon.

    Bertie, It was good that OH managed to see both his sisters.and there was plenty of laughter. As for the Rat, he has got no more than he deserves. Cheeky beggar.

    Jen, smiley - hugsmiley - hug for you and the family and hope you are all well soon too.

    Edna, Enjoy the flowers and your lunch.

    I am feeling much better today though I shall not be doing much. Going to have a lazy day.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by bishenbertie (U13222350) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I am making the most of my very lazy day. Hope everyone is enjoying their day too whatever you are up too.

    Blossom glad you are feeling better today, yes despite the circumstances that brought us all together yesterday we had a nice chatty few hours.

    It's dull and dank here today, not nice at all.

    On the news I saw all the snow hitting NY, I hope it doesn't make its way over here in the next few weeks. It's very early but I am prepared with my snow shovel smiley - rofl

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by anitamo (U5717936) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hello again folks, I don't feel too bad thanks just a bit achey and heady with a streaming nose. Things generally don't last too long with me. smiley - ok I have just been making some more biscuits for tomorrow.smiley - ok

    Blossom, glad you are over your virus, enjoy your lazy day! smiley - hug

    Bertie hope you have a lovely lazy day too. smiley - hug

    Snap glad you found your way eventually, have a sit and enjoy the fire. smiley - ok

    Edna hope the chrysanths are lovely....they are my favourite flower. Enjoy the meal out. smiley - ok

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by snaphappy (U14059011) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hi again!

    Don't like these dark evenings, I have drawn the curtains already!

    Is the coffee pot on? I could do with one and one of your biscuits please!

    Just watching Frozen Planet again!


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hello friends,

    I enjoyed the Chrysanthimum show and also my lunch at the Hotel too.
    I missed my return bus by seconds and had half an hour wait for another bus which then I have a short walk to home.

    Nice to see you back blossom and hope you are soon fully recovered.
    Good to see everyone relaxed today


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by glenton74 (U6667751) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hellooooooo smiley - ghost

    Hope everyone is recovering from all the nasty germs that seem to have attacked us.
    Glad you are feeling better Blossom, but please take care and don't do too
    Anita I hope your sneeze attack disappears as fast as possible. Also that Jackie's snuffles are receeding.
    Health up date here is that we now only have one ill, the others are virtually recovered.
    Spent the afternoon in the garden and chopped down a tree of the type that Paula likes so much. smiley - biggrin Thank goodness, if I can get a couple more days on the garden this week we should have finished the autumn tidy up. OH was saying that besides the tree, which was a car load on its own, that we have so far taken 28 large bags of green waste to be composted at the local recycling centre.
    The hour going back certainly makes a difference, but at least that is one milestone towards spring. Seven weeks to Christmas, a couple of horrid months and we're not far off Easter. That's about the only way I get through this time of year.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hello glen,

    Good that they are all recovering and getting back to health againsmiley - hug

    And you tackled the Buddleja bush, I have one yet to tackle so maybe next week when the green bin is emptied again.
    I cant get to the waste centre so rely on the green bin and have to go around the road borrowing when I have too much.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Hazel17 (U13274041) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hope everybody is well.

    I have had a manic hectic month and half term hasn't been much less busy.

    School has been incredibly busy- I have even been in over the half term. smiley - sadface We have also beeen zooming around hospitals with appointments and visiting relatives.The dishwasher has broken and we are waiting for the repair man and we have been taking MIL around everywhere (MIL and FIL are divorcing) and have now sorted her out with a new car. Dad has also been to visit to lay a new bathroom floor and we have been to Nottingham to choose our new dining room chairs with the last of our wedding vouchers. smiley - smiley We now have a nearly new dining room table curtesy of MIL and FIL selling their house - which we were always meant to be getting so we saved our vouchers for the chairs.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by EdTheCat (U3016651) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Just nipping in to say hi and to send you guys some nice watm weather, having the day off work today told my work colleagues that it was to test drive a new broom smiley - smiley our vistors have gone to the South ~island before they fly home in 2 weeks time smiley - smileysmiley - smiley I've not even had a chanve to look in recently so this afternoon I will try and catch up with what has been happening - take care all lots of love

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hello Hazel and Ed,

    Nice to see you both again, sorry about the in laws divorce Hazel but good about the table and chairs too.

    Ed you are test driving a new broom? how odd smiley - magic

    House back to yourselves again so you can now relax.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by raundsgirl (U2992430) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    We had a most enjoyable lunch with our friends + mother, who really hit it off with our GD (at 98 she's the oldest person GD has ever met, but she's only old on the outside)
    Shoulder is being a wretched nuisance; I shall be glad when it's back to normal.
    I'll say goodnight now as it's hard to type. smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz well

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by anitamo (U5717936) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Just calling in to say an early goodnight as my head is banging. smiley - sadface

    Night night all. smiley - peacedove

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    She sounds a lovely lady raunds,
    Hope the shoulder eases for you. Bye sleep well,

    Hi and bye anita sweet dreamssmiley - magic


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    I am going to close now for the latecomers smiley - teasmiley - choc

    Goodnight friends, lurkers and peeperssmiley - rose


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    smiley - ta Edna
    Coo ... looks like I am all alone in the Witches Walk smiley - ghost

    Night night to those who have toddledsmiley - magicdreams
    Hope snuffles and frozen shoulders don't keep you awake
    See you

    smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - alesmiley - giftsmiley - cupcakesmiley - chocsmiley - crispssmiley - donutsmiley - cheesecake
    Just in case anyone drops by

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by glenton74 (U6667751) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Not quite Paula

    smiley - ghostsmiley - pumpkin

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hi glensmiley - coffeesmiley - donut
    Lucky you, hacking a buddleia down ... wish I could do that to the one next door, but I think she would miss it if I did smiley - sadface
    Glad to hear that the family are getting better, that must have been a bit hectic for a while.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by glenton74 (U6667751) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Thanks for the smiley - coffee I was just thinking about making one.

    The buddleia was a real pain. OH had to carry it out to the car via the kitchens and hall way !! We have a problem with the garage at the moment and can't go through it to get from back to front of the property. I keep finding leaves in odd places, including one balanced on top of a door !!!!

    Oddly having the lot of them ill made life easier. When you have four people all working different shift patterns the ins, outs and meals are mindboggling. For example on thursday this week:- first one leaves the house at 5:00am to start work at 5:30. Next one goes out at 6:10am to start at 6:30. Then because its an "earlies" week the next one goes at 7:25 to start at 8:00. Then a couple of hours of breakfast and care tasks. I eat main meal at noon, OH comes in at 1:30 and eats snack, I leave. Next comes in at 3:00 and eats snack, then next in at 4:30 and eats main meal as due out again at 6:00. Then the other three eat at 7:00. I come in at 11pm ish and eat tea.
    After that having them in the same place, needing roughly the same things is a doddle!

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    on top of the door? how did it get there?
    take your point over the meals, it was bad enough when I had one at school and one on shift work ...

    onna phone semi detached

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by glenton74 (U6667751) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    I'm dreading that a buddleia seed may have dropped down a crack. When you see the plants growing out of the sides of walls or drainpipes you realise just how little soil they need. I could find a whole forest of them at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me one morning smiley - biggrin

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    you can get them coming out of the guttering as well smiley - sadface

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by glenton74 (U6667751) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    I meant to say earlier, thank you for the unexpected arrival in my e-mails. I will take you up on the kind offer when I can get my machine to understand yours.
    Think I will wander off with my smiley - tea and head for bed.
    Have a good day tomorrow Paula
    Goodnight, sleep well

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    oh dear, glen, I was chasing my tail at the time and pressed the wrong address. smiley - rofl
    if you can access it, feel free and enjoy
    night night smiley - magicdreams
    see you

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by jack29p (U1877186) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hi Glen, Hi Paula

    Nice new bar I see smiley - ok

    Glad to hear the family are feeling better Glen and you managed to get in the garden, sounds like you have a Triffid there smiley - yikes

    Been really lazy today, I think it was the extra hour in bed which kinda increased to 3 smiley - biggrin. Only did half a door today smiley - erm But I have to get up early to go to the docs with these BP results, so will take advantage of it when I get back smiley - ok

    Off to read the rest of the messages

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by PaulaG (U3004479) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Hi Jackiesmiley - alesmiley - donut
    How's the snuffles?

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by jack29p (U1877186) on Sunday, 30th October 2011

    Sounds like the Crysanths were well worth a visit Edna smiley - ok

    Glad Blossom is feeling a lot better smiley - hugsmiley - hug
    Hazel it sounds like you could do with another break smiley - hugsmiley - hug

    Is Ed flying about on a broom now smiley - erm

    Pleased you had a nice day Raunds smiley - ok

    Sniffles are going Paula, I can now smell the paint smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

    Right time to go, hope everyone has a happy day. Nighty night smiley - magic

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by anitamo (U5717936) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Good morning all, it's a damp day but so mild! The pets have had a run around and are now tucked up. My sniffles are still around but the headache has eased thankfully. smiley - ok

    I have set the fire to light when it gets cooler and put a large bowl of sweeties out on the bar for the trick or treaters who may call later.smiley - winkeye

    Bar set up with bacon butties and brown sauce, dippy eggs and soldiers, hot buttered toast with marmalade and tea and coffee on tap. A pan of home made tomato soup is on the hob for later with some lovely fresh soda bread. smiley - ok

    Hope everyone is well. smiley - hug

    Not sure what time I will be back in the bar today as I have so much to do. smiley - doh

    I will be dashing out in a minute to the village as I am running out of icing sugar then off to Rotherham. See you later folks. smiley - hug

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by raundsgirl (U2992430) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Morning all! GD and her friend are here playing.
    Much better night last night; I slept propped up, and had some much more effective painkillers from the chemist yesterday.
    Does anyone else find that putting the clocks BACK makes them tired? Or am I turning into a dormouse ("Twinkle..twinkle.......twinkle....................twinkle..............zzzz")

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Good afternoon everyone...smiley - smiley

    Crikey, this club must have more bars than Withspoons!
    Went to the old one first and found it closed - but you'll no doubt be relieved to hear the sqatters haven't moved in yet! (Wait until that crowd outside St Paul's get to hear of it...They'll go there intent!) smiley - winkeye

    So....This is nice. Kids back at school after half term, peace and quiet...smiley - tea
    And it's Hallowe'en...Not that I'm a big supporter but you have to make an effort for the kids don't you and since it's been Disney-fied, the real story behind it has long since disappeared in a fog of pumpkins, pointy hats and parties.

    Yes, I have a tin of Quality Street sweeties (left over from last Christmas) ready to pass around when they start knocking on the door.
    But, seeing as it is the season of ghosts, ghoulies and things that go 'bump' in the night...smiley - witchsmiley - ghost...I would like to share with you a little poem I wrote a while ago, entitled: 'The Keeper of the Inn'.

    The Keeper of the Inn

    The moon is full, the owl is still
    An omen to be sure
    A cat is wailing in the night
    My dog will guard the door

    Beyond these walls the fog grows thick
    Where no man dares to tread
    Except the Keeper of the Inn
    But he is long since dead

    Tis said that many years ago
    His wife took to the woods
    To meet her lover by the stream
    Where mighty oak once stood

    Beneath the branches in the dark
    The lovers kissed and sighed
    Till Job the Keeper tracked them down
    That night Tom Parker died

    With single stroke the axe did fall
    Tom Parker then fell dead
    Job's wife screamed as she look down
    And saw the severed head!

    She turned and ran and Job gave chase
    Through thicket, gorse and brier
    Her clothes were torn, he face was scratched
    The situation dire

    Then all at once the murderous Job
    Did stumble in his flight
    And fell into a treacherous bog
    That misty Hallowe'en night

    Despite her fear his wife then turned
    And laughed as Job sank deep
    She cursed his soul and damned his eyes
    The Inn was hers to keep

    Though sinking slowly to his death
    Job knew his days were done
    He called upon the Devil
    And the Devil called him Son!

    Now every Hallowe'en tis said
    Job's spirit comes to life
    With axe in hand and bloodshot eyes
    The Keeper seeks his wifel

    No-one told me of her fate
    It really was a sin
    This house so old, so dark, so cold
    Was once the Keeper's Inn!


    smiley - vampireHappy Hallowe'ensmiley - monster

    'G-G' smiley - biggrin

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Good afternoon everyone...smiley - smiley

    Crikey, this club must have more bars than Witherspoons! smiley - ale
    I went to the old one first and found it closed...(How often do they move?)...and you will be pleased to hear the squatters haven't moved in yet...though once that crowd outside St Paul's find out, they may move there intent...smiley - winkeye

    Well, the kids (bless 'em) have gone back to school. Isn't it quiet? smiley - biggrin
    And I have a tin of Quality Street (leftover from last Christmas) ready to pass around anyone who calls.

    But as it is the season of ghosts, ghoulies and things that go 'bump' in the night..smiley - ghost. ...I thought I would like to share with you a little poem I wrote a while ago, entitled: 'The Keeper of the Inn'. (I'm rather fond of this one...) smiley - vampire

    The Keeper of the Inn

    The moon is full, the owl is still
    An omen to be sure
    A cat is wailing in the night
    My dog will guard the door

    Beyond these walls the fog grows thick
    Where no man dares to tread
    Except the Keeper of the Inn
    But he is long since dead

    Tis said that many years ago
    His wife took to the woods
    To meet her lover by the stream
    Where mighty oak once stood

    Beneath the branches in the dark
    The lovers kissed and sighed
    Till Job the Keeper tracked them down
    That night Tom Parker died

    With single stroke the axe did fall
    Tom Parker then fell dead
    Job's wife screamed as she look down
    And saw the severed head!

    She turned and ran and Job gave chase
    Through thicket, gorse and brier
    Her clothes were torn, her face was scratched
    The situation dire

    Then all at once the murderous Job
    Did stumble in his flight
    And fell into a treacherous bog
    That misty Hallowe'en night

    Despite her fear his wife then turned
    And laughed as Job sank deep
    She cursed his soul and damned his eyes
    The Inn was hers to keep

    Though sinking slowly to his death
    Job knew his days were done
    He called upon the Devil
    And the Devil called him Son!

    Now every Hallowe'en tis said
    Job's spirit comes to life
    With axe in hand and bloodshot eyes
    The Keeper seeks his wifel

    No-one told me of her fate
    It really was a sin
    This house so old, so dark, so cold
    Was once the Keeper's Inn!


    smiley - monsterHappy Hallowe'ensmiley - elf

    'G-G' smiley - biggrin

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    I do apologise for double-printing. I waited for the first one to show...but it didn't and I thought I must have touched the wrong button somehow, so I tried again!

    'G-G' smiley - doh Sorry.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    The gremlins are certainly working overtime on this thread today! smiley - doh

    I posted once and it didn't show. Luckily I had saved it and posted it again. That time, both the first and the second post showed!
    So I posted an apology for double-posting and it appeared but has now disappeared, along with the two posts!!!!!

    What's going on?

    Oh yes, it's Hallowe'en and the spirits are having a bit of fun!

    Cheers everyone...smiley - ale

    'G-G' smiley - biggrin

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Oh-oh...They're back again! smiley - weird

    Must be the central heating in this new bar...? smiley - erm

    'G-G' smiley - doh

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    I give up!

    My posts keep appearing, then disappearing!

    'G-G' smiley - wah

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by raundsgirl (U2992430) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    What a smashing poem for Hallowe'en, G-G.

    I expect the witch was just practising her spells for tonight.

    When the bar thread reaches about 1500, GJW starts a new one. If the threads get too long it slows the board down. We've had some interesting pubs along the way. Paula always posts a 'virtual pub crawl' list of them.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hello everyone.

    Glen, Glad that the family are now recovering and that you also managed to get rid of a lot of garden waste. Fingers crossed that you finish the job this week.

    Hazel Good to see you. Everything seems to happen at once. Good that you now have the table and chairs, not so good about In-laws divorce etc

    Ed I hope you are enjoying you visitors.

    Raunds It is nice that your GD got on well with your friends. It must have surprised her to meet someone of 98,who probably sounds ancient to a young girl.. I hope that your shoulder is feeling less painful today.

    Jackie, Good luck with the BP .

    I have been shopping and paid my bills this morning, but will not be doing much for the rest of the day as I have a visitor due this afternoon.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by snaphappy (U14059011) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hi GG and anyone else who might be smiley - lurk!!!!!

    Love the poem!

    Another grey day here, but at least it has stayed dry. We were supposed to get some sun today, but if it does not appear soon it will be too late!!

    Good to hear that everyone is now recovering from their aches, pains and snuffles!

    Hope that everyone else is well


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by snaphappy (U14059011) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Oooooooooh! Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry quiet in here today!

    No point me sitting talking to myself, so I will look in again tomorrow!


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Snap, Sorry to have missed you. I hope you and Mum are well.

    My visitor has only just left. Mondays and Fridays always means I don't get on the board for as long as I would like to. It will soon be time for dinner as well.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hellooo is any body there or you all giving out treats to the children?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by dizzymrb (U14266223) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hello all. Sorry i've not been in for a while. been a bit busy. Son Matt is getting wed and we are all running round like mad people. Daft thing is, the wedding isn't till next May. Oh well, I just do as i'm told.

    Mrs B is fine as always. Katie and Emily are outstanding. Emily is tuning into a right comedian, and she's only two.

    What's been going on while i've been away. Any gossip?

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by dizzymrb (U14266223) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    dont believe tthis, everytime i come in here someone rings or comes to see me. give me a minute and i'll be beack.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Grandadpop (U3054464) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Evening 'blossom'...smiley - smiley

    I have a tin of Quality Street sitting on the telephone table in the hall, waiting for any tiny spooks who come pressing the doorbell tonight.

    Don't mind the little ones...with their mums and dads hovering in the background. It's the big ones in their masks and hoodies, muttering 'Trick or treat, mister?' that worry me!

    But I have to say, whilst Hallowe'en boomed 10-20 years ago, it seems to be dying out around here. They make more of Guy Fawkes Night, though I've also noticed a fusion of the two events of late...especially of sales in the local supermarkets...a whole aisle filled with Hallowe'en AND bonfire night paraphenalia.
    They're even selling Christmas decorations! smiley - doh

    'G-G' smiley - biggrin

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by clematised (U3233879) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hello friends,

    I went to Liverpool today to check out a couple of things at the library but as it is a temporary one not all I wanted was available.
    I did confirm two baptisms from Familysearch as there were two familys with same parents names and the only difference was the occupation and the address which do not show up on familysearch, I now know for sure.

    I got back home after 7pm and before even sitting down for my meal the bell was ringing two little girls with Mum.smiley - devil

    That was a really good poem GG well done I enjoyed it and it was like reading a story.

    Hello MrB nice to see you again and looks like the hats will be out again and the diets on too. Love to the family


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    Hello GG.

    Smashing poem you posted earlier.

    We don't have any trick or treaters since the Council put security doors
    on the front and back of the building. Halloween has always been a bit low key here in any event,apart from a few older children who used to put flour and eggs through some peoples letter boxes and sometimes a firework.. Fireworks is a different matter. We have had them being set off for a few weeks now. We don't get carol singers as Christmas approaches either.

    I must admit to buying Christmas cards,a couple of presents and some wrapping paper. I have wrapped one present this evening. When the other couple are done I can then concentrate on OHs Anniversary and Christmas present. He is my main priority.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by blossom (U8480392) on Monday, 31st October 2011

    OOps, sorrry Mr B. somehow I missed you.Hope you and Mrs. B are well.

    Another Wedding in the offing, lovely.. Mrs. B. will need a nice new outfit plus hat. Will the littlies be bridesmaids?

    Hello Edna,

    Glad you were able to sort out the 2 families. I hope you are going to relax this evening.

    Report message50

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