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My Farewell to all of you.

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 28 of 28
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Thomas (U15050473) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I´ve just came back to thank most of the people on here for sharing the time, opinions, having some fun and also debates on interesting topics.

    Christmas isn´t that far away and so I take the opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas time and a Happy New Year.

    Special Greetings from me to PaulRyckier, Nordmann, Harpo, Tas, Vizzer, Islanddawn, Caro, Ferval, Jack, Bandick, Sovourovez and in case he may read it, the former Host Andrew.

    Take care all of you and enjoy these boards. I´ll defenitiley not turning back on here. I´m seeking for a place somewhere else.

    Best Regards,

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by suvorovetz (U12273591) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    It's been a real pleasure, Thomas. Many thanks for support and company, and best wishes!

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by somewhatsilly (U14315357) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Thomas, we'll miss you. At least look in from time to time and perhaps you will find that the board has reverted to being something you find more to your taste. If you find a happy haven, maybe you could send us a smoke signal.
    All the very best but I do hope this is just adieu!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Tas (U11050591) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Hi Thomas,

    You have always been a pleasure because you have always come forth with ideas. I will definitely miss not having you around. Regards, and good wished in future endeavors!


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Jak (U1158529) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Hi Thomas!

    Very sorry to hear this - I've always enjoyed reading your posts. They brought a different, interesting angle on several subjects, and sometimes you made me think of my happy time in Germany, long ago.

    Some day I hope you'll come back here. Meanwhile -

    Alles Gute fur Weihnachten -
    And a Good New Year to you, when it comes!


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by islanddawn (U7379884) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Sad news you bring Thomas and I'll be sorry to see you go. As Jak has already said, you bought a new prespective to discussions which was always appreciated.

    All the best for Xmas and the New Year, and happy hunting for a new place. Good boards are few and far between out there.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Thursday, 1st December 2011


    I know that you have come to regret the time that you invested in our exchanges and count it a waste.. I regret your regret.. And can only once again thankyou for your (to me) invaluable support , assistance and encouragement..

    As it is this post will push me right to the edge as far as the MB is concerned for I have resolved to stay only so long as my last thread is still on my discussions page.

    Merry Christmas and as a couple of special pupils said to me in the past "have a nice life".


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by bandick (U14360315) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Sad Thomas… very sad… but I think I understand your frustrations. Our exchanges have been all too brief and few, but it’s been a pleasure, and I’m humbled to be included in your farewell list. Good wishes go with you…

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by PaulRyckier (U1753522) on Thursday, 1st December 2011


    I join Suvorovetz: many thanks for the support and company. I always appreciated your logical consistency (hope it is the right translation of the Dutch: rechtlijnigheid. German: Geradlinigkeit?).

    I am sure it was one of the ladies here on board, Caro?, who once said on these boards, I suppose in a philosophical mood, that our personalities are influenced by the contact with the others and that the others are influenced by us. That way I can say that you had an influence on my way of thinking. One example: you warned me once for a right-extreme site, which hided into a treacherous "normal" one. Since I am more suspicious and look always to the "home" and seek for the "authors".

    May I also congratulate you with your increased over the years knowledge of the written English language. I hoped to be once as correct as you. For Suvorovetz it is easy, although fluent in Russian, he lives, I guess!, already years in the US or perhaps his whole life? Perhaps the Ukrainian Jack and the Czechian Jan is perhaps more our case?

    And Thomas, don't never say never. Look at Tas (Tasneem first), who announced years ago the same message as you now. And see now Tas last months.

    Kind regards and with high esteem,


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Nielsen3 (U14417619) on Friday, 2nd December 2011


    Thank you for the times when we have met each other here.

    As others have written, you have seemed well informed and prepared to share your thoughts. That's about the best I can say of anybody.

    My best wishes to you, too.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Caro (U1691443) on Saturday, 3rd December 2011

    Yesterday I wrote similarly to others, Thomas, but must have pressed cancel instead of post, or something, since it never appeared.

    I am sorry to see you go too, Thomas; though I didn't have many exchanges with you, it was always good to read your different approach to some ideas and to have a European knowledge here.

    Best wishes, and I hope we might still see you on occasions on this board.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Sambista (U4068266) on Saturday, 3rd December 2011

    I sympathise, Thomas - the level of debate on these boards has deteriorated, and the number of trolls has increased. Thanks for our exchanges in the past, and all the best for the future.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by NormanRHood (U14656514) on Monday, 5th December 2011

    is this board closing?

    i dont see why youre leaving

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Thomas (U15050473) on Tuesday, 6th December 2011

    In reply to NormanRHood:
    is this board closing?

    i dont see why youre leaving 

    I haven´t noticed such an anouncement yet. My reasons for leaving have various aspects. Mybe you´ll find some of them, as far as you´re interested to know them.


    First of all, thanks to all contributors to this thread and the good wishes.


    Posted by PaulRyckier (U1753522)

    I am sure it was one of the ladies here on board, Caro?, who once said on these boards, I suppose in a philosophical mood, that our personalities are influenced by the contact with the others and that the others are influenced by us. 

    There´s some truth in this Paul. I wouldn´t say that my personality has been influenced by the contact to the people on these boards (I refer to your compliment to me which hits the nail " ... German: Geradlinigkeit"). Some of my opinions has bee influenced of course by exchanging debates on here. I wouldn´t deny that and there´s no problem in admitting it.

    You´re so far he one with whom I have been in accompany through all the past years on these boards since I´ve joined it. In this regard you´re to me an "old fellow" (no reference to your age) and I mean it as a compliment as your friend in mind. You´ve yourself found another place to worship your deep interest in history, but for I can´t handle the French language good enough, I can´t join you there. German history boards are of no interest to me to join them.

    I can imagine that you´re as well that very bussy over there as you´ve been on here in the past peak times of these boards. I´ve been always astonished about the time and efforts you´ve taken for these boards and this in the light of doing it after work, when most people are worn out.

    Take care of you where ever you are.


    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737

    I know that you have come to regret the time that you invested in our exchanges and count it a waste.. I regret your regret.. 

    You haven´t quite understood the reasons for my regret, although I was trying to explain it as plain as possible to you. The regret doesn´t come from reading your essays. Not at all, because it was your offer to the people on these boards to share your thoughts and considerations of history. The fact that I´ve been the only one who took the efforts to read it might be regretable or even not, depends on anybodys view of your writings on here. It has been of some interest, allowing me to trace the way you´re thinking and the picture you´ve about your country and its history. So this is a piece of your personality and its expressions.

    The reason for my regret is simply that you´ve built up a picture of England which is based too much only on the positives and neglecting the cruel periods which happened and which were based on the patterns of the ancient Roman Empire. You´re defending that picture, which of course is your right to do so, but it doesn´t mean that you´re right in your England picture equally.

    You don´t seem to notice that with keeping and maintaning it, your are trapped in a self-made romantic picture of England that is as equal as the picture made up of Germany and its history in the 19th century. Your favoured historians and philosophers are from the same century. The point which I was trying to make is, that you just see what you like to see and ignore that what you don´t like, but it´s still there, because it is history. These aspects I´m referring to are not on the bright side of Englands history, but without them, England had never rised to dominate the Britain and built up two Empires. England conquered, oppressed, exploited and occupied countries, nations and ruled it the way a colonial power had to do to keep its Empire. This is no judgement, it´s just stating historical facts.

    Look at the ancient Romans, they did it the same or at least the similar way and so did the English. They were not invited by foreign countries, they conquered and they were successful. I admit that even following these patterns, it has to be taken the effort to put the focus on the country concerned, because the English didn´t treat each colony of theirs as equal. They were clever enough to deal with the native people. This way of treatment reflected and still reflects some countries relationship towards the UK.

    I´m still dealing with Irish history, but once I´ve finished the books of Irish history which still have to read, I´ll turn to examine the history of the British Empire with the focus of the different treatment of their colonies. There´s plenty to learn, which I´m expecting from dealing with this part of history.

    I´m far from any intention to offend you in any way. The point is that you´re in danger to get on the same wrong track as some Germans did and still do in worshipping an romanticized picture of their country which is an made up one and tells just one part of history. It´s the part they like to see and we know well where this ended up and where it came from. Without such "romantic patriotism", a cruel dictator like Hitler, had never existed and we all know, what the world had been spared of. I´m not saying that you´re right there, I´m just warning you of the trap that lays in this. It´s on you to avoid it.

    You might think about the way you´ve dealt with Ireland and its history on these boards and the knowledge you´ve and brought in to some debates on this. It wouldn´t be necessary to tell me anything if you´d considered your own posts, for I know that you´re not the one who is likely to admit it. It has been patronising and of some ignorance which you´ve tried to overplay by some posts which were not only by myself, but also by others considered as being arrogant in some ways. I´ve just put it mildly here.

    You´re not the only one on here tempted to downplay the cruel parts of Anglo-Irish relationship, it´s something you´ve in common with others for they lack either an deeper interest in Ireland and its history at all, or simply they destest the Irish and are fed up of the "everlasting" mourning of them towards England.

    It has been and it still is my basis when dealing with a foreign countries history to be open and interested in its history and to read the sources provided by their own historians in books and documentaries. The least thing in this is to take the efforts to try to understand them, but not to go out from the point of views which are provided by historians of my own people. They might fail in this.

    What efforts have you taken to understand the history of other nations, even in the light that you´re living in a family with international relations? Has it always been England and the English that made up the centre in all your dealing with historical matters?

    What´s the use of these boards to you if you´re not inclined to take the simplest advices and refusing to take any time for reflecting your opinions? I see it that way that you´re not inclined to consider contrary opinions to yours, but that you´re more likely to use these boards as a forum for your particular ideas.

    When I came to join these boards years ago, in the first place it was the reason to get in contact with people from the UK, my interest in British and Irish history. To engage myself in exchanging opinions, knowledge and have some debate to practice and improve my English. This was of course also bound to some sympathy for the UK and Ireland which both countries are at heart to me. It might be the advantage that I don´t belong to one of these countries and I see no contradiction for my affections towards both of them.

    These times are gone on these boards, what is left is what I´ve had at the beginning and what might still be with me, the love to the UK and Ireland which I was to take precautions for not becoming disturbed in it by following your posts which were in the past months nearly none avoidable. This has upset me to much and in a last consequence I´ve decided to leave these boards and doing my reading on history as I´m accustomed to do.

    You may listen a bit more to other contributors when they complain about your behaviour, for they are not always wrong in doing so.

    I was trying to make my point clear to you and hopefully you might see it, without any intention to put the blame simply on you, which would be too easy and not justified.

    You can have your last word on this, but I´m not guaranteeing you that I might read it. Anyway it´s better to depart in peace and so let us leave all the troubles behind us, it´s not worthy to stirr on them anymore.


    Have a good time all of you.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Tuesday, 6th December 2011


    Thankyou as ever for your post.. I think that you would find my last piece redresses the balance-- since it is based on European and World History- and tackles the problems consequent upon "Anglo-Saxon" leadership and its grievuous shortcomings in the global age.

    Anyway all the best for Christmas and your continued thought adventures in 2012.



    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by bandick (U14360315) on Tuesday, 6th December 2011

    Maybe I’ve become biased bitter and twisted… but I’ll say what no doubt some others are thinking… looks like the wrong one leaving…

    I’m gone.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Thomas (U15050473) on Tuesday, 6th December 2011

    Thanks bandick. He´ll stay on these boards until it closes down and his last message proved me right in my anticipation. I wouldn´t had have to bet on that.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by bandick (U14360315) on Tuesday, 6th December 2011

    My thoughts exactly….

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Triceratops (U3420301) on Wednesday, 7th December 2011


    You might as well stay for the last two weeks.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Wednesday, 7th December 2011


    You wrote - "Maybe I’ve become biased bitter and twisted… but I’ll say what no doubt some others are thinking… looks like the wrong one leaving…"- so you obviously missed the "good news" that I wrote to Thomas i.e. I am leaving too, having set a cut-off point.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Triceratops (U3420301) on Wednesday, 7th December 2011

    Everybody's leaving, the boards are closing on the 22nd

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Wednesday, 7th December 2011


    Thank you for bringing that to my attention.. Part of my exit strategy had really been to just ignore new threads.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by bandick (U14360315) on Wednesday, 7th December 2011

    Yes Cass… my exit strategy already in hand had been to completely ignore anything that was signed Cass… as its just plain boring, you may be a tip top first class teacher, though I doubt it, it seems it’s all in your mind… Thomas had already anticipated your move… seems like he could read you like a book… it’s really is such a shame you just don’t know when to shut up, as you may be quite a nice bloke… I suspect you just like the sound of your own voice…

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Thomas (U15050473) on Thursday, 8th December 2011

    Hi Bandick,

    As I´ve take notice of the closure of these boards (quite a bit surprising, eventhough I´ve predicted this for various times), I think I shall not miss the entire end.

    I thought I set up some compilation based on the main topics in which I´ve been involved on debates and in a review on all these past years, it looks like I´ve been on a circling journey which is now at it´s end by closing the ring.

    Maybe it may give others some inspiration to look back on what they favoured most while on these boards. Now here it goes:

    A depicting journey from the beginning to the end.

    After a while it went to this:

    inbetween and back and forth:

    There was a time when this country was a hot topic:

    We´ve had some contributors on here, very eager on the topic of this countries "Independence".

    This part of the UK, most neglected on these boards, sometimes got it´s attention, thanks to some contributors from that country:

    Practically I´ve found a good piece of music, combined a special relationship re Ulster:

    And not to forget, a tribute to the last Barkeeper on these boards:

    This song is a good example not only for myself, but also I think it applies to others as well in some and many ways as they contributes on here:

    When I was young, I regarded it at as song for "old men", but by growing older myself, now it suites me as well smiley - smiley
    Excuse for the Ladies on here, but I´d like to recommend to regard the word "Men" in the term as human beings.

    And this is the final tribute on my list to these boards and my journey I´ve taken on here:

    Some people have their historical figures which they favour for their characters, their deeds or their influences they´ve had on history. Even if they were on opposite sides it doesn´t matter for someone who is dealing with that just from a historical point of view and I see no contradiction in some admiration to both of them regarding to what they´ve achieved. Each of them for his own country in a historical time period of 25 years.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Friday, 9th December 2011

    Thomas B

    In the last few days I have started reading a Chronicle of the Twentieth Century month by month, and I had to think of your interest in Britain and Ireland when I came to May 1901 and the headline “Salisbury vows to keep Ireland British”.

    In a speech- which you may know all about- he said that Britain’s military power could be undermined if 鶹Լ Rule were ever conceded and reflected on how a free and hostile Ireland might have blunted the Government’s war effort in South Africa. There was, he said, a lesson to be drawn from experience with modern weapons. “This was that, if some Irish leaders were left with the chance of making preparations, “We should have to begin by conquering Ireland.”

    Of course the state of the world made such ideas understandable, but as you may recall I describe this period as already a “Lost Generation” because of the widespread avowal of violence and militarism. E.g. in 1900 the largest warship in the world was built by a British shipyard for the Japanese Navy.


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    This posting has been hidden during moderation because it broke the in some way.

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by CASSEROLEON (U11049737) on Friday, 9th December 2011

    Re Message 26 being Modded

    This is often a sign that I have driven someone to "excess".. Just in case - my post was intended merely to bring to Thomas' attention something that he might find useful as evidence for his interpretation of Irish history- since my understanding of his view of Anglo-Irish relations was that it was a tragedy that 鶹Լ Rule was not realised before 1914.


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by OUNUPA (U2078829) on Sunday, 11th December 2011

    Seems that we're all forced to say these words to the 鶹Լ's HBs, mate. Well, and where we will meet again, buddies ? I mean the LINK. smiley - winkeye

    Report message28

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