PMQs: Cameron and Miliband clash over economic growth


David Cameron has defended his government's economic record after Opposition leader Ed Miliband attacked him over weak growth figures.

Mr Miliband pointed to the fall in GDP in the last quarter of 2012, claiming the UK was in the slowest recovery for 100 years.

"What's his excuse this time?" the Labour leader asked the PM.

Mr Cameron insisted the economy was moving in the right direction, backed up by the fall in unemployment and a rise in public sector jobs.

He said the EU, OECD and IMF had all predicted Britain will have the "fastest growth out of any major economy in Europe this year".

But Mr Miliband accused the prime minister of "complacency", telling the Commons that borrowing was rising and the economy was "flat-lining".

The PM retorted that Labour's plan was for "more spending, more borrowing and more debt" which "got us into this mess in the first place".

At the end of the session, Conservative MP Craig Whittaker jokingly asked the PM about the Lib Dem ministers "queuing up to resign" after voting against Tory plans to redraw parliamentary constituency boundaries.

Mr Cameron said there was a "profound disagreement" about the issue, but added that those MPs who voted against the move will have to justify themselves to their constituents.