Your handy guide to Eisteddfod words and phrases

  • Cyhoeddwyd
Signpost on the Eisteddfod field

Here's a handy list of Welsh words and phrases that you're likely to see and hear around the festival site (Maes) with an explanation.


Maes - The festival site where all the fun happens

Y Pafiliwn - This year, there will be one pavilion where competitions, concerts and ceremonies are held

Maes Carafanau - Caravan site

Maes Parcio - Car park

Stondin(au) - Stall(s)

Llwyfan y Maes - Live music performances all day, until late

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Candelas performing on Llwyfan y Maes in Llanrwst

Encore - A tent for music performances and talks

TÅ· Gwerin - Live folk performances and discussions

Maes B - Hosts a line-up of some of Wales's top bands (Wednesday - Saturday). Caffi Maes B can also be found on the main Maes, with music performances everyday

Maes D - The Welsh learners' area where there are talks and perfomances

Pentref Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg - The science and technology area

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

An explosive experiment at Pentref Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg

Pentref Plant - Everything to entertain the kids

Y Babell Lên - The Literary Tent

Y Lle Celf - The Arts' Pavilion

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

There's enough to look at in Y Lle Celf


Beirniaid - Judges - the people you either love or hate

Cystadleuwyr - Competitors

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Competitiors, ready to go

Cynulleidfa - Audience

Enillydd/Enillwyr - Winner/Winners

Dysgwr/Dysgwyr - Welsh learner/s

Archdderwydd - Archdruid

Ffynhonnell y llun, Ffotonant
Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Archdruid Myrddin ap Dafydd

Yr Orsedd - Gorsedd of Bards - discover more about them in our handy guide


Coron/Coroni - Crown/Crowning - The poet who writes the best collection of free verse poems is crowned in a ceremony on Monday

Ffynhonnell y llun, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

Y Fedal Ryddiaith - The Prose Medal is awarded on Wednesday

Cadair/Cadeirio - Chair/Chairing - The poet who writes the best poem, following the rules of cynghanedd* wins the Chair in a special Chairing ceremony on Friday. (*Cynghanedd follows a set of complicated rules, which includes stress, alliteration and rhyme.)

Cystadleuaeth - Competition

Canlyniad(au) - Result(s)

Gwobr - Prize

Ennill - Win

Disgrifiad o’r llun,


Cyngerdd - Concert

Oedfa - The Sunday morning service

Y Gymanfa Ganu - Congregational hymn singing held in the Pafiliwn Mawr on Sunday evening

Mas ar y Maes - Events as part of the partnership betwen the LGBTQ+ community, Stonewall Cymru and the Eisteddfod

Also useful

³Òŵ²â±ô/³Û°ù Å´yl - Festival/the festival

Croeso - Welcome

Tocyn - Ticket

Mynedfa - Entrance

Allanfa - Exit

Bwyd - Food

Diod - Drink

Llongyfarchiadau! - Congratulations!

Diolch - Thanks